"Don't care." I put the beanie on as I walk out of the room. 

I grab a water from the fridge and then head out to my car. I think that I will run at the school. That way I can run for a long time, and then just head into the school. 

-----Page Break-----

I shove my keys into my backpack and step into the chilly air. A light drizzle starts to fall from the sky. This is my favorite weather. 

I find myself at the back of the school, where the track is. There is just enough light coming from the horizon for me to see where I am going. I drop my backpack on the side of the track. 

After that, I start running. The only noise is the sound of the rain splatter on the ground. I have never felt so alone and desperate in my life. Alone because I don't really have many people to talk to, but desperate to save my family. I need someone else to help me. I am like a sinking ship in the middle of nowhere. There isn't much I can do about it. 

I run and run until my lungs feel like they are going to explode, so I stop and walk over to my backpack. I take a seat on the wet ground and pull out my phone. I have one missed message from Zeke.

Have you heard from Tobias? 

I press the reply button and type:

Not since last night. There was some drama with his dad. 

I send it and look up from my phone, only to see a tall dark figure coming my way. The clouds make it hard to see who it is.

"Tris?" The person's voice sounds familiar. I think I know figured out who the person is just by their voice.

"Tobias?" I question. 

"Yeah. Who else would I be?" He asks. 

"You are wearing all black and I couldn't see your face." I tell him as he takes a seat next to me. His hair is messy and unkempt. His face is full of stubble, because he didn't shave.

I look up at him to see the pain in his eyes. He is hiding it, but he is hurt bad. "Why were you not at home? I was looking for you" 

"Well, I woke up because.....and I....couldn't sleep. So I decided I wanted to run" I mumble. "I was worried about you." 

"I'm okay." I watch his face wince as he says that. "He took my phone, after I passed out. It is in about a billion little pieces now." 

"You are not okay." Tobias bites his lip. He knows I have him figured out. "I see it on your face." 

"I'm fine." He looks down at to my cut hand. "I didn't know he hit your hand too." Tobias picks up my hand and pushes back my sleeve in order to expose my  other cut. The rain stings as slams into my arm.

"No your not." I tell him. He pulls my sleeve back down and looks at me. I reach up to his face. "Its my fault too. I should have stayed. I ran like a coward." 

He puts his hands on my cheeks. "Tris, I don't want to hear you say that." He mumbles. "You are not a coward. In fact you are one of the bravest people I know." 

I feel a few tears spill out of my eyes. "Don't cry." Tobias whispers softly. "It is not your fault. My father is just a monster. I fear him more than anything in my life." 

Tobias pulls me into a hug. I bury my head into his chest. "Tobias. I don't know what to do. I just feel like I am drowning." 

"I'm right here." He whispers into my ear. "If you drown, I drown. We drown together. But I will not let that happen. We will get through this." 

He lets me go and whispers. "Lets go inside and get cleaned up before school starts." 

I watch Tobias wince as he stands up. He extends his arm for me to grab. I take it and he pulls me up. 

After I pick up my backpack, we walk hand and hand to the athletic entrance to the school. He pulls out a card and holds it in front of the door. It clicks and then we enter the athletics hallway. 

"This is going to sound ridiculous." I pause. "I forgot my change of pants at home."

Tobias laughs. "I always keep a pair of sweats in th boxing room. Wait here." 

He runs into the boxing room and comes out with a black pair of sweats that say dauntless on the side. "Here." Tobias hands me his sweats. "You are soaked. Do you need a shirt too?" 

"Yeah." I give him a smile. "What are you going to wear though?" 

"I have my more clothes in my locker. I generally run here in the mornings, so I always have clothes here." Tobias runs into the locker room. 

He comes back five minutes later in a gray t-shirt, and a new pair of sweats. "Here this is the smallest shirt that I have." He hands me the black shirt. 

"How much clothing do you have in there?" I laugh. 

"I get lazy and forget to bring them home." He smiles. 

I return the smile and walk into the locker room. I peel off my wet sweatshirt and pull on Tobias's black t-shirt. Then, I do the same with my pants. The sweats are so big, I have to roll them at the waist. 

I take off Caleb's beanie as I rush out of the locker room. "Hey. I need you help really fast." Tobias greets me. "Come here." 

He pulls me into the boxing room. I watch as he runs over to one of the cabinets on the far side of the room. Tobias takes out several rolls of bandages, and walks back to me. "I ran out of these at my house." He hands me the bandages and pulls off his gray shirt. 

His back looks all torn up and covered with dry blood. This time the cuts extend around his side. His dad was really mad. I take the bandages and carefully rap them around his torso. 

When I am done, he pulls his shirt back on. Tobias turns around and looks at my arm. "Do you need anything for your arm?" 

"No I am okay." I mumble. 

"No you are not." Tobias walks back over the the cabinet and pulls out more bandages. He comes back and takes the bandage from it's package.  "I got you." 

Tobias places a bandage over the cut on my arm, and then one over my hand. I take the last bandage from his hand, unwrap it, and stick it to his cheek. "Tris!" He laughs. 

He takes it off his cheek and sticks it to my forehead. "No, this one is yours." I take it off and put it on his face again. 

"Fine." He laughs. "Come on. The bell is about to ring." He takes my hand and leads me out of the room. 

We reach Tori's room right as the bell rings. "Your going to keep that on your face?" I ask about the bandage I put on his face.

"Of course." He smiles. "My Tris gave it to me." 


Well, this chapter was not as depressing as the last one. 

I am like freaking out about the Divergent movie. I'm going to get tickets to the midnight premire and everything.  Just saying that puts me on the verge of a fangirl heartattack or something. 

I'm sorry for my lack in updates. :)


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