Was That Supposed To Hurt?

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My feet made connection to the ground, and I had already assessed the situation. Sebastian was fighting the triplets and my stalker, winning of course. "Ouch... that must have hurt." Averting my attention off of the fight, I noticed a presence that I recognized from back when I worked for my mistress... Alois Trancy. Glancing around, I did indeed recognize this place, however it didn't contain my fondest memories. Looking back at the fight, Sebastian had killed the triplets... "WHAT" even though they kidnapped me, he shouldn't have killed them... at least I think there dead. Taking a deep breath, I realized Hannah had entered the fight. Sebastian finished killing Claude, at least I think he's dead. Hannah pulled something out of her, I closed my eyes cuz it looked really weird and uncomfortable. Opening my eyes again, I could see Hannah in the outfit in which she killed my family, and in her hand, a long green, twisty looking sword was held.

My master had told me about it but I had no idea that Hannah was a keeper. Hannah knew I was around and probably predicted what I was about to do after she ran towards Sebastian. I did exactly as she expected, I ran faster then I had ever in my life, even faster then a demon, changing human in the process. Just as she was about to stab Sebastian, he moved out of the way, expecting her just to miss him, with me standing on the side being completely unharmed and silently cheering him on. Nope! I ran out in front, not thinking about my actions, and the twisted sword sliced through my flesh, staining it with my deep red blood. "Strange... it doesn't hurt that much." Sebastian seemed extremely scared, running up to me holding my waist and hand. "Kitten... I promise you'll be okay." I smiled sincerely, showing no pain mostly because I barely felt any. I stood up, releasing myself from Sebastian. Feeling lightheaded from the blood loss I pull out the sword from my chest and smiled "was that supposed to hurt?" Shocked, Hannah didn't move, allowing me to release all my pent-up anger. I rushed at her, the sword cut through her flesh like a warm knife to butter. I kept going at it, fatal blow after fatal blow, until I felt better. I stood above Hannah, watching her become lifeless. Alois's presence was gone along with Hannah's, my stalker's and the Triplets. I felt Sebastian's hand on my head as I spoke. "Well, that didn't end the way I expected, but at least nobody important died."

We returned to the manor, Sebastian explaining that Claude tried taking me for Alois, and that at some point, Hannah had eaten Alois's soul. The conversations lasted all the way to the manor, I went inside without Sebastian, jumped onto my bed as soon as I got close enough, curling up and falling asleep. In the morning, I could hear birds as I awoke, gliding out of my bed, and putting on a simple (F/C) dress. Exiting my room, I saw Sebastian waiting for me. Bowing, he took my hand, strangely he didn't have his contract mark. We left the manor, Sebastian had eaten Ciel's soul, and now, was going to spend his time with me. "I love you Sebastian." "I love you too (Y/N)"


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