Sebastian's Cookie

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I stood up, using my hands I brushed off all the dirt that had transferred to my dress. "Stupid demon" My knees stung from the blood, but I didn't let it bother me. I looked down at my surroundings, the plate that held my cookies was broken, but at least the cookies seemed perfectly fine. From what I could tell, I looked presentable (Except for my knees that are covered in blood) the dress looked to be unharmed, so at least I could cover my knees with it. I carefully picked up my cookies "May-rin, the Phantomhive boy, me, a couple of rose cookies I never ate, the cat. Where's the Sebastian one?" I looked through the plate shards, accidentally cutting the palm of my hand on a tiny piece. I kept looking for the cookie until I sensed horses coming towards the manor. "Shoot! Lady Elizabeth must be arriving now!" Grabbing the cookies I had, I ran normally towards my room, because I didn't want Sebastian getting more evidence that I'm a half demon. I kept running, and speak of the devil... well, he's a demon, not the devil. I stoped running and smiled towards him, trying to look like I was ready for Lady Elizabeth's arrival. Sebastian seemed slightly annoyed, but showed no emotion. "Lady Elizabeth is arriving any second now, and my lord wishes that you entertain her while we deal with... business. If I may ask, where have you been?" I shifted slightly so that my dress would cover my knees more. "Nowhere." I lied. Sebastian bent down so we were eye level. "You have blood on your knees. No one goes nowhere and gets blood on there knees." He stood back up, he seemed to be waiting for my answer, an answer that I didn't really have. "Oh yeah, I was just delivering those cookies I made, then that stupid dog started chasing me. I'm only a half demon so I couldn't outrun him, but it's okay because another demon pushed me out of the way. I think he was watching me..." it was obvious I couldn't say that, or could I? Sebastian was staring at me intently "need to think of a distraction, just a simple one!" I looked down at the cookies in my hand, then proceeded to stuff the cat one into Sebastian's mouth. Sebastian looked taken back, however he left without another word. I took a deep breath, just to calm down, and continued walking to my room.

I opened the door to my room, put the cookies on the bedside table and cleaned myself up, which was very easy, and took little to no time at all. "Today's been rough. I wonder who that demon was, I recognized his sent..." my train of thought stoped as I looked at the clock 7:34. I rushed down the hall, when I made it to the top of the stairs, I saw a young teenage girl with big green eyes. She had blonde hair worn in two big drill pigtails, with slightly curled cowlick on the side. She was wearing an elegant gowns and a cute headbands decorated with a flowers. "This must be Lady Elizabeth, I thought she would be older." I calmly  walked down the stairs giving her a big smile. To my surprise the Phantomhive boy, and Sebastian weren't there. in fact, besides a very tall elderly man with gray hair and a moustache, wearing a monocle, and a butler suit, no one else was there. When I was close enough to the girl, I slightly bent towards her. "Lady Elizabeth welc-" I was cut short by the young girl. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Lady Elizabeth proceeded to run at a inhuman speed, dragging me with her. Soon we were in another room, pink walks, stuffed animals on the bed, and beautiful white curtains.

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