Callous, Heartless, and Sadistic

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I attempted to become at least a slightly bit uncomfortable in the cupboard, but to my dismay I went into an even less comfortable position. Right now I knew that there were three people in the kitchen. Me, Baldroy, and most likely another servant like May-rin. "Okay, I have had about enough of this. I don't care! I'm changing." With that thought, I changed into a cat and crawled out of the dark, cramped, stupid cupboard. I was only in there for probably five minutes, and yet it felt like I had forgotten how nice sunshine was. "Baldroy" I instantly recognized the voice. I thought that when Baldroy called for the other servants, one of them came in. Nope! It was Sebastian. "I'm not really that surprised..." "I thought I told you to help May-rin and Finny. So might I ask what you are doing in my kitchen?" I should probably get back in the cupboard, however I wanted to destroy that enclosed space, it reminded me to much of my previous master. My master used to make me use all my demon energy, then as a 'joke' my master would place me in a steel container and place that in salt. Me being a half demon, I am still affected by salt. "I'm sorry Sebastian. I smelt something from the kitchen and came in." Baldroy left the kitchen soon after, and closed the door behind himself.

I assumed Sebastian wasn't mad at me, I mean why would he be? So I jumped on the counter in front of Sebastian and tilted my head to the side, looking at him. He had a long (F/C) dress in his arms, which I automatically assumed was for me. "You still remember the day that you broke a window and ran out with my cats right?" I nodded my head, feeling slightly bad about my past actions. "Well before you broke the window, I was talking to my lord about Lady Elizabeth's upcoming arrival. Later tonight she is expected to arrive, around 7:30. We will be having a ball tomorrow night, and I expect you to come, and if you somehow don't come, you'll wish you never lived." I froze, slowly nodding my head up and down. I knew demons were callous, heartless, and sadistic, but I actually thought that maybe he was different... guess not. He seemed happy with my expression, which honestly made me ticked off. He turned his back to me, he was doing something, but I couldn't tell what that 'something' was. After little to no time passed, he turned around and was holding my cookies, in which he had placed them very neatly on a China plate.

Sebastian picked me up, and headed out of the kitchen. "I assume you are aware of what I am Kitten, however I am yet to figure out exactly what you are" after what had happened in the kitchen, I wanted to bug him a bit. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a female. Geez Sebastian, I knew demons are callous, heartless, and sadistic however I didn't know they weren't smart." I giggled "I'm not as bad as the books say, you know." We reached the door to my room, it was going to be my last chance for a comeback "Quiet, evil one." I smirked, soon after, Sebastian did too. "Ooh, name-calling. So fearsome." Sebastian placed me on the bed, along with my cookies being placed on my bedside table, beside the knives. Sebastian draped the (F/C) dress over the bed, and left the room. As he was leaving, I noticed something in his hand, sadly I couldn't tell what exactly it was, and before I knew it, Sebastian had shut the door and left the room.

Sebastian is also affected by salt. It's proven in episode 17. The Undertaker is shown to be barred in salt, and after seeing this Sebastian puts a cloth over his nose and mouth.

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