Good Intentions

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Lady Elizabeth and I sat in her customized room. We were sitting on the bed, just talking about random and strange topics. "So (Y/N) how long have you been working here." "Actually Lady Elizabeth, I don't work here. I didn't have a place to stay, so they offered." Lady Elizabeth squealed happily, jumped off her pink bed and ran to the wardrobe. "If you don't work here then we can spend all day together!" She held out a medium length black and white dress, the skirt part was (F/C) and the dress had only one strap. "I'm not even going to ask why she had that." The dress was beautiful, but honestly the waist area looked like it was a size too small. "Try this on!" Her little Voice echoed through my head. "No way can I wear that. Plus if I take this dress off she'll she my cat ears and tail, then, just like everyone else she'll call me a freak and try to kill me." Lady Elizabeth must have seen the look on my face, because she put the dress in the bathroom, and started rummaging through her drawers. She hid whatever she had in the drawer behind her back, and ushered me into the bathroom.

I sat on the lid of the toilet, holding the beautiful dress in my hands. "Lady Elizabeth has good intentions, but she just doesn't know the circumstances, even so, if I do show her.... she might just find it cute.... instead of freaky." I smiled to myself, and took off the long (F/C) dress Sebastian gave me earlier today, then slipped on the dress Lady Elizabeth had pulled out of thin air. To my surprise, the dress fit perfectly, and the waist area was actually bigger my waist. I glanced at the mirror, then turned my attention to Lady Elizabeth's voice. "If you don't wish to show me, you don't have too." I could hear the sadness in her sweet voice, and so, I walked out of the bathroom, taking off my headband in the process, showing off my cat ears.

"Oh my goodness! You look so cute!" I was taken back by her words. It was strange, she definitely noticed my ears, but still didn't seem to be bothered or interested in them. "Turn around!" I reluctantly did as she said. "Yes! You have to wear this for the ball tomorrow night! You look absolutely stunning!" I smiled at her kind words, she made me feel accepted, and genuinely excited to be in a room full of... people... again... at a ball.


"(Y/N) hurry up freak! We need to get to the Edward ball." I rushed to my masters side, wearing a very short black dress with a tiny hat, that just barley covered my ears. We both entered the carriage and headed to the Edward manor, not speaking a word the whole trip. When we finally arrived, my master stepped on my shoes on purpose, and soon excited the carriage. I never got mad at my master, mostly because if I did, I would be thrown back into the woods, and likely die because I was only 7. I soon followed after, and entered the large building. Throughout the night I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone because I might say the wrong thing, I wasn't allowed to dance because I 'wasn't any good' at it, and I wasn't allowed to leave the room without permission. "(Y/N)!" I headed towards my master, once I was very close my master tripped me, and I fell, making my tiny hat come off and reviling my cat ears. "What in the world!" "Does she have a thing for cats?" "Honey I believe they are real!" "What a freak!" I was mortified, but still stood up and waited for my master (who was smiling) to talk. "It's time we leave (Y/N)"


"Lady (Y/N)?" I snapped out of my train of thought and put on a smile. "My apologies Lady Elizabeth, I'm quite tired. Also (Y/N) is fine, were friends after all." Lady Elizabeth seemed ecstatic after my last comment, but seemed to be attempting to hide her emotions. "Then call me Lizzy! And if you're tired, go to bed." And with that I changed back into the dress I was wearing before, and Elizabeth walked me to my room.

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