Cat Chase

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*(Y/N) POV*

"UGH.... where am I?" I was laying down on a bed? Thank god I was still in my cat form, I really don't want people knowing I'm also a cat.

I stood up and felt a slight pain in my leg. "Really! It still hasn't fully healed..." I look down at my leg, there are bands on it? That's weird...

"MEOW~" coming from the wardrobe beside the bed.

I turned into my human form, and I open it, at least 13 cats jumped out. "KITTYS!" I shouted happily as I started to pet them.


As I continued to play with the adorable kittens and cats, I didn't realize that it was already getting really dark, until I looked out the window above the bed. "What if that man comes back? What is he going to do with these adorable creatures? I don't trust him. His room smells like demon, and I'm done with trusting them, after what they did!"

I gathered up all of the cats, broke the window, and started to run towards the forest.

*Sebastian's POV*

I was talking with my young master about Lady Elizabeth's upcoming arrival. *crash* "that's strange, it sounded like it came from my room." My young master looked very annoyed, he probably thought it was Pluto or one of the servants. "Sabastian, go take care of that." Ciel said.

I ran towards my room and opened the door. My window was broken, however no one was in my room. AND NETHER ARE MY CATS! I looked out the window to see a woman running with my cats in her arms. "She's dead"

*No ones POV*

Sebastian jumped out the window and ran after (Y/N) who was still running and didn't notice that Sebastian was right behind her. He ran around her, grabbed all of the cats, then threw 3 butter knives at (Y/N)! She fell to the ground as tears started to form in her (E/C) eyes.

Sebastian turned to walk away. "P-please... don't hurt them... k-kill me instead and let them go" (Y/N) said while crying, and trying to stand up.

*Sebastian's POV*

"Was this girl trying to save them from me?" "I would never hurt such magnificent creatures, and next t-"
As I turned around I was stunned, she had cat ears and a tail, so cute. "Wait! What the hell am I thinking."

I GOT A READ!!!! yes I know it's not something to celebrate but to me it's special!!!! Thank you! >~<

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