half cat demon, half human

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First ever story!!!^•^;;;
~btw anything written like this, is you thinking.

*your POV*
It was raining, and I was in the forest, up in a tree. Of course I was in my cat form, it was more comfortable then my demon/human one. "2 years since my last master..."

"AAAAAAAAH!!!!" I heard from deep in the forest

Quickly I transformed into my human form (that also had cat ears and a tail) and ran over to where the noise came from. It was a girl about age 11, who was already dead, she was surrounded by 2 other dead bodies that looked to be the child's parents. Obviously this was a wolf attack, scratch marks, bite marks, and it reaks of dog...

"Great! I was really hoping for a contract........" I look around the area, and see a mansion?? I was getting dark, and I didn't want to spend the night with wolfs or in the rain. I transformed back into a black cat and walked over to the building.

"WOOF!" I heard from behind me, I saw a human, however he was obviously a dog, he had a coller on that said Pluto. I instantly ran, soon after he started to chase me. I felt a sting in my leg. "Stupid dog, HE BIT ME!" I'm half human so I don't heal very fast, which is stupid. I kept running, but the wound on my leg kept bleeding and bleeding.

I felt light headed and soon my legs gave out. My eyes were closing, but before I passed out, a tall black figure picked me up and carried me inside.

Black Butler Sabastian x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu