(4) Or Do I ?

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My eyes felt heavy, I tried to open them only to be greeted by the blinding white light that surrounded me. I closed them again. My memory was blank, I couldn't remember anything that happened or where I was or how I got there. Maybe I'm in heaven. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a soft grunt and a snore. Opening my eyes felt like lifting weights but in the end I did it.
My dad had fallen asleep on a chair next to my bed. I took in my surroundings realizing that I was in a hospital. Ugghh! I hate hospitals. Definitely not heaven. A nurse came in to check on me, and when she saw I was awake, her smile only got wider. She did her nursing, checking my temperature, pressure and other things I wasn't in the mood for checking. Being a heavy sleeper, my dad didn't wake up until she had come with my breakfast. He did his morning stretch, took a glance at me and then left. He probably went to wash his face and get his own breakfast, I didn't mind. When I finished eating, I rang the bell next to my bed (yayaayyy!!) and the nurse came and helped me to the toilet then tucked me back in bed.

Dad's POV:

I rushed to the hospital, a million ideas crashing around in my brain. None of them good. When I finally got to the hospital I asked for Becky's room number and then went running. I pushed the door open and saw her. She was still here. I couldn't have been more relieved.
Sweat was dripping down her face and her eyebrows met in the middle, she was whispering to herself in gibberish. As I was looking at her I felt like her doctor not like her father and I hated myself for it. She had always hated my job too, it only meant that I was never home enough.
Sitting down beside her, I could see that she was gradually calming down. After I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, I fell asleep.
I didn't wake up the next morning until the nurse came in with Becky's breakfast. She was awake. I stretched and then couldn't stand sitting there any longer. I left to the washroom and then to the cafeteria so I could get a bite of breakfast for myself. When I went back to the room, Becky had finished her breakfast and was trying to go back to sleep. I sat down next to her.

- Becky?
- hmmmm
- What happened?
- I don't know...
- Look at me.

She turned in her bed so she was facing me. In her eyes, I saw fear.

- I really don't know what happened Dad, I can't remember, the last thing I remember is school ending.

- Okay... You know that I love you, right Becky??

Tears formed in her eyes, threatening to fall.

- Actually Dad, I'm not sure if I do.

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