(3) A Memory

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I just got home from school, I walk through the door and a waft of freshly baked cookies hits my nose..HEAVEN!! Yummy! I got into the kitchen and mum was cleaning the dishes and humming to a song apparently in her head.

I take a cookie or two and go up to my room. I dive under all the clothes in my closet and look for my SpiderMan suit. Think whatever you want but I love love love SpiderMan and believe or not I'm gonna be SpiderMan when I grow up. After an hour or so on WattPad, Dad comes home from work. YAY!!! When I'm downstairs the first thing I see is the gift  sitting on the dining room table. Dad has already gone inside to say hi to mum. I go to the gift and it's got my name on it.
Slowly I walk over to the table and start to unwrap the present carefully, not wanting to tear the wrapping ( I love to keep it). Inside the present was something I've been wanting for ages... A SPIDERMAN MASK!!!

Little did I know, it would be a reason that I would hurt myself one day, or maybe just maybe it would be the reason my life is fixed.

I'm sorry it's short. I know the idea of what I wanna write but have no idea how to... I hate that feeling. Tell me what you think please, and please give suggestions for a TITLE.
In a while butterfly🦄

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