(1) Meet Me

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She told me to always be brave and never to give up, to always look on the bright side, but sorry Mom there's nothing bright and shiny now like you promised there'd always be.

I'm Becky. I'm walking back from the school and it's raining. Some people find rain cool, romantic even, but today it's a symbol of being miserable.
Today was the first day of the mid-term exams, I've stayed up all night studying. I was late to school this morning because Dad had a night shift and still hadn't come back, so I didn't have time to look through my notes. When I got to school I found out that the exam was in the first period which was in like two minutes!! WHAT a pleasant surprise!!!
I think I pretty much sucked in the exam, I was looking at the paper, reading the question and no response came from my DUMB brain, after a whole hour of squeezing, I finally got some answers out. I'm still going to fail though, thanks to my good for nothing brain." I can't believe you, I was stuffing you all night and when you saw the exam ABRACADABRA!!! It's all gone! UUGGHH!!!
I finally got home after twenty minutes of walking. I found a note from dad saying that he had to leave for an urgent matter + the pizza was in the microwave. I grabbed a piece and dug in. I took a second one and dragged myself upstairs to my room. Dad's a doctor, he works at the hospital which is like a ten minute drive from here. I love Dad and all but I wish he wasn't a doctor, it just means he's always busy or on nights or whatever. Even if some day a miracle happened and he would stay at home he would get an urgent call. Some people just find the wrong day to get sick!
Mom's never with us as well, but she's different. She passed away last year, without giving us a reason and no one was able to find it EVEN the famous doctor "DAD". We used to live in a beautiful village. It was kinda small but it was home. We were happy. Mom would drive me to school and Dad would go to work, she'd go back home and do all kinds of things, things to make me happy. She would cook, knit, decorate, anything. She was like positive energy in the shape of a human. I loved her and still do and forever will.
I came back to the present and turned my computer, logged into Facebook and started searching for something worth watching.

Thanks for reading.
Please comment and let me know your opinion and if anyone has an idea for a title then put it in the comments.(Even though I've come back here to edit and have changed the title, but I won't change this :))
In a while butterfly.🦄

I'll Get Back Up AgainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ