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"Sophia" I hear a familiar voice whisper beside me, startling me awake.

I turned to the others who were all sound asleep. Standing up, I decided to not wake the others up and find out where the voice was coming from. As I followed the hushed tones, I was led into the forest that stood beside us, where we were camping. The blossoms over crowded each try, defying the beauty of it and the beautiful array of white and pink shone prominently throughout the whole wood. The blossom blew across my face, once like the dryads used to do back when things were different in Narnia.

"Sophia" I heard my name again.

I walked down a path. Where the trees moved either side of me, allowing me to pass further and further past them, to the familiar voice. The wind whistles softly as I take each step, with no sound of branches or twigs making any sound. The birds chirp away to themselves and for the first time since we have been here, I actually feel safe.

As the trees move more, I see a creature in the distance. Before I could see the creature a dryad came floating past me, flipping some of my hair slowly to the other side of my shoulder. It laughed to me, but not in a horrible, mean way, a way in which they used to laugh when we were in Narnia last time. A happy excited laugh; full of joy.

As they danced past my face, I had a clear view of the creature I had been longing for ever since we came to Narnia.


"Sophia" I heard him say again with a little chuckle.

I ran up to him and indulged him into a massive hug. His fur was so warm and soft to touch, it was never tatty or horrible, always so perfect and well kept.

"I have missed you so much." I smiled hugely and I stepped back. "You have grown!"

"Every year you grow, so shall I." Aslan wisely spoke.

I smiled, then looked at my dear friend and frowned slightly.

"Where have you been?" My voice cracked "Why haven't you come to help us like last time?"

I stroked his fur slowly, admiring his beauty.

"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." He smiled.

A twig snapped

I sat up quickly. That must have been a dream? I looked down towards the others who were still fast asleep. Quickly, I got up and ran back into the woods and try to see if Aslan is there.

As I walked through, the trees that were once fully blossomed and moved for me, suddenly stayed still and looked dead. The wind brushed past me, making me shudder and get goosebumps. I felt a little uneasy walking in the forest of the unknown, but I foolishly continued to do so.

The bushes to the side of me rustled, making me immediately on the edge.

Another twig snapped.

I turned around behind me, but before I could see who it was a stone hit my head and made me black out instantly.


I woke up with my head thumping. Clutching my head, i opened my eyes to see a man in front of me. I jumped and grabbed my sword.

"Easy Queen" he smiled gently.

Could I trust him?

"Who are you?" I snapped.

"Prince Caspian" he smiled.

I dropped my sword in shock.

"You are Caspian? The one who called us?" I asked in shock.

"That would be me" he smiled and offered me his hand, to help me up.

I put my hand in his and stood up. He looked at me smiling.

"What?" I smiled.

"You look very beautiful" he gushed.

"Thank you" I blushed.

A badger came running to me and bowed slowly. I smiled at the badger.

"Please no bowing, I am just like you" I smiled. "What is your name badger"

"Trufflehunter your majesty" he spoke gently.

"It is very nice to meet you" I smiled and shook his hand.

"As the same for you, my Queen" he replied. "Where are the other kings and queens?"

"They shouldn't be too far behind" I smiled. "However they will be wondering where I have gone"

"Then we will have to prepare" Caspian smiled to me and walked past me, brushing past.

I looked towards Caspian as he walked past admiring his beauty. Then I snapped out of my thoughts, feeling guilty. However me and Peter were "on a break" so technically I should not feel as guilty as I should.

I walked out of the tent and some Narnians bowed in front of me; greeting me with kind words. I smiled at each one of them, shaking there hand out of respect. It is the lest I could do after abandoning them, not as if we did it on purpose. Later on after speaking to some of my fellow people, I picked up my sword and went to Caspian. Pushing him slightly, he turned around to me beaming.

"Au guard" I smirked poking him with the end of my sword lightly.

"Oh it's on my Queen" he smirked back and we began to fight.

Our swords hit against each other's, making loud clanks echo across the camp the Narnians had made. Each step that Caspian made, I watched him intently; studying his ever move to see what he would do next. I am very sure he did the same for me.

I knocked the sword out of Caspian's hand and then he fell over a rock, tumbling to the ground. I smirked at him and said nothing, as I walked away to get a drink.

Moments past and I heard the sound of metal clanging again, but this time it did not sound too friendly. I rushed round the campsite to see Caspian was not here. Running to where the sounds were coming from, the Narnians had began to gather around what was going on. I heard Caspian's voice as I pushed through the people surrounding.

"Caspian!" I shouted at the same time I heard a voice call out "Peter"

It was Susan, Lucy, Ed and Peter.

Peter looked at me, with hurt eyes.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now