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"Cakes and kettledrums! That‟s your next big plan? Sending a little girl alone into the darkest parts of the forest alone?" Trumpkins snaps.

"It is our only chance." Peter replied.

"And she won't be alone." I said as Susan stood next to Lucy.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin argued once more.

"Nikabrik was my friend too, but he lost hope. Queen Sophia and Lucy And neither have I." Trufflehunter smiled to the rest of us.

Lucy sat on the horse, as Peter gripped my waist and helped me onto the horse. As I got on the horse, Peter looked to me and gave me a small wink. Before he was about to say something, he was interrupted.

"For Aslan." Reepicheep smiles which makes us all grin back to his patriotic behaviour.

"For Aslan!" The big bear smiled, making us all chuckle.

Peter looks at the Bulgy Bear and smiles at him.

"Then I am going with you two" Trumpkin demanded.

"No, we need you here." Lucy demanded.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Soph get back." Peter smiled to them

"If I may" Caspian says as he steps forward. "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer."

Peter looked to me in concern as to what Caspian had in mind. Caspian turned his head to Peter; looking around to everyone else and hoping they comply.

"But as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people." He mumbled, yet seems confident in his words. "There is one in particular that may buy us some time."


"Please be safe" I begged to Peter as Lucy got onto the horse.

"I will" He kissed my forehead as he held onto my forearms. "As long as you come back to me."

"I promise" I mutter as I kiss his lips gently and briefly.

"I love you" Peter smiles as he hugs me tightly; as if this was our last hug.

"I love you too" I grin from ear to ear; getting on my horse I turn to look at the young man in front of me again. "Please stay safe Peter. Or I will kill you myself"

I hear his laughter as I grip onto the reins; Lucy hugging my waist as we race off.

The thundering of hooves split the silence as a lone stallion galloped through the bleak landscape. The wind wisped his mane into the air like flames; after all he was a flame colored chestnut. Wellington was his name. His muscles rippled from under his freshly groomed pelt and his powerful legs. They propelled him forward and kept him going as he powered over the land.

A penetrating coolness trickled over the now bleak landscape. I stare gravely towards the advancing mare, its blue roan coat matching the thick horizon. Her ears pricked, as she moved swiftly, powerful limbs tearing into the barren earth. Knuckles white, as i clench them against the bone-jarring wind.

The horse went on it's back legs as it came face to face with a lion. I saw the most beautiful creature I had missed so dearly. Getting off the horse, I ran to the friendly lion; alongside Lucy, giving Aslan a huge hug as we pushed him over - making him chuckle.

"Where have you been" I mutter as I pull away from the hug, thinking of the fight going on between peter right now.

"We have missed you" Lucy added with a soft smile and I agree with her, by nodding my head.

"Things never happen the way twice" he reminds us. "But I think it is time I helped. Now, lets awake our dear old friends."

With one roar, the forest shock, awakening our olds friends at last - Land; Sea; Sky.

"We have to help them" You usher everyone to hurry up to help Peter. Jumping on Aslan's back, he rushes off. Lucy and I clutched onto each other as he ran as fast as he could, us trying to avoid the trees coming our way.

"Please be okay" I mutter as we get near the river that flowed between the forest and Telmarines.

"He will be" lucy assured as she heard what you had said.

"I hope" I breathes out a sigh.

Aslan got to opening, letting the both Lucy and I off of his back; to our feet. I walked to the edge of the lake to see the Telmarine's on the other side. As I looked closer, I saw that Peter and the light side, had managed to trap them the other side.

"You are you to just stand there like babies?" One Telmarine mocking laughed as he saw the competition. Myself, lucy and Aslan.

"We may not look like much, but I can assure you sir, we have more power and strength than you will ever know" I answered back confidently, making the man shake his head in amusement - really irritating me.

"Attack!" He yelled and the army started to charge its way onto the bridge; closer to us.

I started to panic as they came closer, but I had faith in Aslan; I knew he would make it right. As if he had heard my plea for something to happen, the sound of wind brushed past us; waking up the God of the Sea.

In almost one swift movement, he destroyed the bridge and killed a lot of the Telmarine soldiers - ones who were on the bridge. Men were thrown left and right - disarming them.

Watching the sea calm down, we saw that the remaining soldiers gave up the fight and handed their weapons to the Narnians in defeat. I smiled as I looked to lucy, who hugged into me as we both looked to Aslan.

As I looked back and across the river, I saw Peter with Caspian as he helped take the weapons from the Telmarines. Smiling to him, Lucy and I decided to swim across the river; towards the man I truly loved. Running up to him, I decided to grow some courage.

He did not see me coming, so in one swift movement, I jumped into his arms and kissed his lips long and hard - in front of everyone.

"I have missed you" I whisper and he kissed my lips one more time before pulling away to answer me.

"I love you Soph" Peter smiled and puts me down to my feet once more; hugging my body into his chest.

"I love you" You answer with a grin; then seeing Aslan come closer to us as we pull away from the hug.

Aslan stands in front of us and we all bow in chorus; to then be told by Aslan to rise.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia" He softly speaks. We all stand to our feet; yet Caspian remains with one knee on the ground - head down to the ground.

"I mean you all" Aslan smiles and speaks again; directing it to Caspian.

"I do not think I am ready" He answers truthfully and I shake my head; not agreeing with him.

"And it is for that very reason, that you are" Aslan tells him; making him stand to his feet with honour.

Peter put his arm around your shoulders; making you grin with happiness as you look to up to him. Finally happy, that the two of you are fine once more.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now