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"Soph get down" Ed pulled me down behind the log we had now all creeped over the edge of a huge log.

The Telmarines continued building the bridge, with hundreds of men hauling logs and amour to each other. Grabbing water to hydrate them in the bright, blinding sun.

The six of us hid behind the log so the Telmarines couldn't see us. For we knew if we got caught and it would not be pretty. However we needed to get through this way in order to get to where Caspian was, but we would have to turn back.

"Perhaps this wasn‟t the best way after all." I mumbled to the others.

Peter looks towards me and then walks back the way we had just came, shortly afterwards, the rest of us followed him back to the gouge.

"This is going to take longer than I anticipated" Susan sighed as we climbed up the hills.

Our legs began to ache, but knowing we needed to meet Caspian soon, gave us the motivation to keep moving forwards. As we walked on, Lucy ran up and grabbed onto a small tree before she fell over, but to her surprise and misfortune, the small tree snapped; sent the young queen tumbling down hitting into Susan. Susan fell down due to the impact of her sister. Me and Edmund erupted in laughter, giggling at the two of them on the floor.

"Oh my gosh" I laugh as I clutch onto my stomach.

"That was so funny" Edmund laughed too.

Me and Ed helped the two of them up, then we quickly ran to catch up with Peter and Trumpkin who were very far ahead. As we walked up, we saw the place we had once been a few hours ago. Where me and Lucy saw Aslan on the other side of the gorge.

"Where do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asked me and Lucy is disbelief.

"I wish you'd all stop acting like grown-ups." Lucy snapped looking to the others.

"Plus we didn't think we saw him, we did see him." I added on.

"I am a grown-up." Trumpkin argued.

We walked closer to were we saw Aslan previously. I walked closer to the edge alongside Lucy. Then I turned to the others.

"It was right around.." I say but before I can say anything else the ground underneath me breaks.

The ground collapses under Lucy as well and she screams; I scream alongside her and she falls into the little gap, were as I seem to fall father.



The others rush over and see Lucy sitting safely just a few feet down.

"here." Lucy finished.

"Where is Soph?" Peter panicked.

"I'm here!" I shout as I slip into the running river beside me.

I squeal as the others hear a splash.

Looking up, I see they are taking a steep and narrow path going slantwise down into the gorge between rocks. They walk down the path and cross the gorge. Ed comes to me and helps me up quickly.

"Thanks" I smile as Peter comes to me asking if I am okay.

I nod my head and begin to walk across the river. As we walk on the stones Lucy slips, but luckily Trumpkin catches her.

"Thank you" she smiled.

I looks up at the trees that surround us, as we get to the other side. Jumping, I got to the ground once again; with the help of Peter. Peter looked to me and then sighed. I frowned at the High King and we began to walk again, however before I could go any further, he grabbed my hand; pulled me close to him.

"What's happened to us?" He asks me confused.

I turn to see the others walking off ahead.

"I don't know Peter" I sighed not wanting to cause anymore animosity between the two of us.

"Sophia, stop acting like you don't care" he presses to me.

"Peter I care okay?!" I snap. "I care a lot more than you think. Remember I am not the one who has been moping about back in England wanting to come here. I thought that once we got here things would be different and to begin with, I thought they were. But that's how it always happens. You screw up, apologise; I forgive you. It is a nasty cycle of crap! I don't want that anymore Pete. I just want the love we used to have towards each other! Is that too much to ask?"

I breathed heavily and uneven when I had finished my rant to Peter, whilst he stared at me, slightly hurt by my honesty.

"If you don't want to be with me." He snaps mad. "Then leave me"

"I never said that Pete, you know I love you" I stress.

"There is no honesty between us. We just need space to figure out what we want" Peter acted as if he did not care.

"Fine then. Forget what I said then, forget the feelings I feel about you" I snap and walk away from him.

Throughout the miles of walking we did that day, the tension between me and Peter was so strong; everyone felt it. It did not just affect us.

Night time came very quickly and we all became very tired. Trumpkin made us a fire, as we plopped down into a little space around the fire. I sat down between Lucy and Susan, where we laid down on our blankets looking up at the stars.

Silence erupted us all.

"Lucy, Sophia are you awake?" Susan whispered.

"Hmm." I answered her.

"Why do you think I couldn't see Aslan?" She asked.

Lucy sat up to listen to Susan.

"You believe us?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, we got across the gorge." Susan smiled.

"I don't know." Lucy smiled. "Maybe you didn't really want to."

"You both always knew we'd be coming back here, didn't you?" Susan beamed.

"I hoped so." I answered looking to Lucy.

"I just got used to the idea of living in England." Susan sighed.

"But you're happy to be here, aren't you?" Lucy asks.

"While it lasts." Susan spoke before she went to sleep.

Shortly followed by me and Lucy.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now