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I looked to her as she walked over. She looked to Peter who did not seemed phased by her presence. Caspian walked towards her.

"Where have you been!?" He snaps and she looks back.

Fear struck in her eyes for a split second. I walked towards her and got to her ear. So only she could hear me.

"I do not know who you really are" I snarled to her. "But I promise you, I will find out and I will know the truth!"

She looked to me.

"Game on" she snaps back.

"Peter!" Susan shouts as he runs to the gate.

"Our army is just outside!" He cries out to us all.

Me, Susan and Caspian run after Peter. As he runs through the courtyard, two men run up to us with swords in their hands. Peter takes one hit and kills the two Telmarine soldiers.

"Now, Ed, now! Signal the troops!" Peter shouts to his brother up top, meanwhile Edmund seems to be struggling with a soldier.

"I am a little busy right now, Pete!" Ed yells to Peter as drops his sword.

I look up and see that he is now using his electric torch to hit the soldier. With a little struggle he manages to disarm the solider and knock him down. Ed looks at the torch and tries to turn it on, but finds it broken.

Peter looks to his brother who seems to be struggling below, so he tries to open the gate on his own. Telamarine soldiers come swarming in on us, like a pack of bees. I look to Peter with fear in my eyes and he sees it.

"Peter, it‟s too late!" I cry out. "We have to call it off while we still can!"

"No, I can still do this! Help me!" He calls to us three.

Susan, Caspian and I try and help Peter turn the wheel to open the gate, for the Narnians to come through. Katherine stays there watching us.

"Just who exactly are you doing this for, Peter?" Susan snapped to her older brother.

We continued on pushing the gate open when Peter turned to see Katherine doing nothing.

"Come help us Katherine!" He snaps.

I turn around and see her staring at a figure walking out of a room, overlooking the whole of the castle grounds. It was Miraz. I knew it!

We finally open the gates of the castle, so others can just get through it. I hear Glenstorm shout and the rest of the Narnians charge into the castle. Asterius uses his horns to smash through the first gate to allows everyone else to get through. The Narnians charge past all of us. Meanwhile we draw our weapons, and run to join the battle.

"For Narnia!" I hear Peter shout to motivate the Narnians.

The Narnians charge through the courtyard, and start fighting. As we fight arrows come hitting down on us, killing others instantly. As I look up top, a Telmarine with a crossbow aims at Peter. As I was about to scream to Peter to move out the way but I see Edmund slide down and knocks the soldier over. It makes Peter look up and see his brother.

"Ed!" He yells warning him.

I see Edmund looks to his left and sees the other Telmarines with crossbows, he begins to fight with them.

I continue to fight with the Telmarines around me. One knocks me over slightly, making me trip over on my side, I kick them over and instantly kill them; amour myself again ready for anyone else who is going to attempt to kill me.

Looking up, I see more arrows pouring down over us. One kills the faun beside me, which kills my heart. Peter looks down to me, he smiles slightly to me and continues of fighting.

As I move my view I see Tyrus jumps and raises his weapon to Glozelle and Miraz. But before anything else happens, I see Glozelle shoot him in the shoulder. With that, with the pain he is already in; due to him falling off the edge of the balcony, Miraz slowly walks over to Tyrus. He bends down to his eye line and smirks to him, then pushes him. I stand there as I watch the satyr tumble down and hit the ground hard, in front of me. He died instantly, right in front of my eyes. Looking up to Peter I saw him watching. I could see he was mad and upset of his good friend dying. He sees the fear in my eyes and comes down to the ground by me.

"Get that gate closed!" I hear miraz say.

The gate starts closing. I look to Caspian as I run over to the gate, trying to push anyone out of my way. As I run up, I see Asterius run over and hold the gate open. Peter stands and watches the struggle of the magnificent creature.

"Fall back!" Peter shouts to the Narnians. "Retreat!"

Peter runs around telling all the Narnians to retreat and I look to my right to see Glenstorm swing Susan onto his back on the way out of the castle.

"Sophia!" Susan yells to Peter "and Caspian!"

Caspian comes plodding through with the professor. Another horse is trailing behind him. I attack another Telmarine and he grabs me down before he dies in my arms by one of his own men's arrows. I feel the soldiers hand slide on my wound, making me scream out in pain.

I hear Peter screaming out for me. Standing up, he grabs my by the waist and gets me onto the horse and quickly out of the castle grounds. We get over the bridge before it closes.

A arrow shoots to Asterius and he falls down, blocking any Narnians from getting through. The gate closes and captures the many that are still inside. I hide into Peters back as I see and hear the Narnians screaming out in pain and horror for what is about to happen.

"Peter" I cry.

My wound makes me moan out in pain. I cannot bare the pain for any longer and all I want to do is close my eyes.

"I can't deal with the pain" I cry.

"Stay with me Soph!" I hear Peter shout for me as we ride down back to the How.

Before I hear anything else, I black out instantly.

Help me.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum