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"What happened?" I hear Lucy say as I feel someone carry me.

"Ask him!" Peter snaps, too who I am assuming is Caspian.

"Peter." Susan sighs and Lucy runs to me, as Peter puts me down to her.

I feel her cordial touch my lips and it causes me to gasp slightly; instantly curing my wounds. Peter helps me stand up and regain my balance once more. I smile to him and he lets me go, allowing me too stand on my own.

"Me? You could have called it off." Caspian argued back, defending himself. "There was still time."

"No there wasn‟t thanks to you. If you‟d kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now." Peter snapped back. "And Sophia would not have got hurt!"

"And, if you would of just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!" He argues back. "And Sophia would not have been anywhere near the situation! Maybe protect her better!"

"You called us, remember?" Peter yelled, as Caspian walked away. "Besides you were the one she was protecting, maybe you should have taken the shot like a man!"

"My first mistake." Caspian laughed, mocking Peter. "And maybe you should stop flouncing about with Katherine and think about your girl!"

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Peter yelled. "Plus you cannot give me relationship advice! You are the one trying to steal her away from me, you're keeping her away from me"

"Peter" I sighed as I interjected the heated argument. "Stop"

But he did not listen to me and neither did Caspian.

"Hey! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia and you have screwed things up with her all on your own!"

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does!" Peter yelled going after Caspian. "You, him, your father... Narnia is better off without the lot of you!"

Caspian shouts, and they both draw their swords.

"Stop it!" I shout at the same time as Ed helps Glenstorm set down an injured Trumpkin to the ground.

Lucy runs over and gives him a drop from her cordial which instantly makes him open his eyes. I walk over, making sure he is okay and he smiles to me and Lucy.

"What are you all standing around for?" Trumpkin spoke dryly. "The Telmarines will be here soon enough."

Lucy smiles at Trumpkin.

"Thank you, my dear little friend." He smiles to Lucy.

I look up to see Caspian walking back into the How, hurt by the words Peter had shared with him. Peter came to me and held my hands. I slowly pulled them away from him.

"Forgive me" he sighed and grabbed my hands once more; pulling me gently into him.

As he hugged me, I saw Katherine follow Caspian, with Nikabrk into the How. I looked at them; it seemed very suspicious and I did not have a good feeling about it. Pulling away from the hug, I smiled to Peter slightly and moved away to go into the How.

"I need time to think Pete" I sighed. "You hurt me"

I looked to them as they walked into the How.

"Katherine is evil Peter and I know you don't believe me but she really is" I walk away.

He let me go into the How. I followed the other three into the stone table room, where I hid in the shadows, so they would not be able to see me. Caspian looks around as he sees the small man coming in on him.


The Crown was placed on Miraz'a head. That was it. He was now the King of Narnia, no one knew what would be in stall for them.

"Long live the King"

"Long love the King"

*Sophia's POV*

"Are you so glad of that magic horn now, boy? The kings and queens have failed us. Your army is half dead. And those that are not will be soon enough." Nikabrik added more fuel to the fire.

"What do you want? Congratulations?" Caspian retorted to Nikabrik

"You want your uncle's blood." Nikarbik smirked. "So do we."

He walked around in circles and looked to Caspian. Katherine steps forward and goes near Caspian's ear.

"You want his throne. We can get it for you." She whispers in his ear.

"You lied" he snapped to Katherine.

"No" she smirked. "I can help you, but first you need to help me"

Nikabrik walks away, ushering Caspian to follow him, he hesitates and then follows the man as they move in front of the Stone Table. Katherine turns around and sees me in the shadows.

"Well, well, well!" She smirks and pulls me to her. "Wanted to see what I am capable of?"

She grabbed onto my wrists and makes me look to Caspian. Who looks to me in fear. I hoped Peter would come soon enough to come and help us.

"You tried one ancient power. It failed. But there is power greater still. One that kept even Aslan at bay for near a hundred years."

I gasp, knowing what it was. The white witch. Looking to Katherine I struggled from her tight grip. It made no sense. I thought she was on Miraz' side! Struggling was becoming very tiring and I stopped. That is when I heard a growl come from the background.

Caspian hears something as well and draws his sword, and steps forward. Looking at me.

A cloaked figure steps out of the shadows and starts slowly walking towards me, playing with my hair. I squeak in fear and the hooded figure growls. He then slowly walks to Caspian.

"Who is there?" Caspian calls out.

"I am hunger, I am thirst." He walked in circles around me and Caspian. "I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst."

He comes to me and then lifts his hood up.

"Show...me...your enemies!" He shouts and The werewolf throws off his hood.

I turn my head as I hear another set of footsteps and I see a hag approach us.

"And you can guarantee Miraz' death?" Caspian asks.

"No Caspian!" I call out and Katherine puts her hand over my mouth.

"And more." The hag smirked.

Caspian puts away his sword, and then looks back at me. He looks at me with sorry eyes and then looks towards Nikabrik. The dwarf nods to the others and the hag bends down; the werwolf puts his hand to the ground.

"Let the circle be drawn." She demands to the other gruesome creature. I'm

Caspian don't!

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now