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We all sit in the boat as Peter rows down the lake. Silence is filled around us, apart from the water moving against the boat.

I looked up to the sky, the blue sky that made my heart swell and think of our times in Narnia; the sea was clear and beautiful sharing too the fondest memories of, once upon a time, i called my home. Peter was looking around as he rowed the boat, while Ed was focused on the bottom on the boat alongside his older sister. Me and Lucy awed the beauty, but at the same time mourned over our country we once called home; now it was all gone to ruins. I looked towards Peter who looked back to me. I studied his face and longed for us to return to what we used to be like, I looked away from him, upset with how he has been behaving recently.

Missing Narnia was no excuse anymore.

"They are so still." Lucy says looking to the trees.

"They are trees." Trumpkin spoke in a monotone voice. "What do you expect?"

"They used to dance." I smiled sadly, looking towards Lucy for support.

"It was not long after you left that the Telmarines invaded." Trumpkin told us. "Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since."

"I do not understand." I mumbled.

"How could Aslan have let this happen?" Lucy spoke concerned and hurt.

"Aslan?" Trumpkin laughed in disbelief. "I thought he abandoned us after you lot did."

"We didn't mean to leave, you know." Peter spoke.

"Doesn't make much difference now, does it?" Trumpkin answered.

"Get us to the Narnians" Peter snapped. "and it will."

We got closer towards land. As we reached the edge of the side, we all got out while the others pulled the ship out of the water, while Lucy and I were looking around.

"Hello there!" I smiled to the bear that was in front of us.

"It‟s alright, we are friends." Lucy added.

The bear stands up and looks towards us. Fear goes through my eyes.

"Do not move, your majesties!" Trumpkin yelled to us.

The bear starts charging towards us.

"Stay away from them!" Susan shouts as she aims her bow to the bear.

"Shoot Susan, shoot!" Ed shouted.

The bear continues charging at me and Lucy, we both run as Lucy starts screaming. Lucy falls back and trips over, pulling me down with her. I go on top of her to protect her from what pain might inflict us. Just before it reaches us, an arrow hits the bear and it falls over in front of our eyes. I look up to Susan, who then looks over and sees that it was Trumpkin who fired.

I stand up and Lucy runs to her older brother, Peter who hugs her tightly. Walking over to the others, Peter pulls me into his chest and I hug into him. He lifts my chin and checks my face too see if I'm okay, which makes my heart swell. He pulled away and wrapped his arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" I asked as Peter hugged me tighter, my hand on his chest as I had my head resting into his neck.

"I expect he was hungry." Susan spoke.

"He was wild." Edmund smiled.

"I don't think he could talk at all." Peter spoke

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that‟s what you become." Trumpkin says as he draws his knife."You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

He rips the flesh off of the bear, ready for us to eat a little later on at dinner time. I hurried my head into peters neck, not wanting to see Trumpkin do so.

We walked around the forest that was in front of us, we walked towards the cliff that overlooked the sea we had just been apart of.

The cliff we stood on seemed as old as Abraham. Far below, the hungry sea gnawed at its ankle.

Someone once said that paradise is where seagulls are flying beneath your feet. They were arcing and wheeling between the witchcraft of the morning light. An occasional scream would echo from the cliffs, eerie and resonating. The immense vista leading to the horizon was jaw dropping. The Prussian-blue vault of velvet above seemed to solder into the liquid blanket of silver beneath. Far out to sea, a solitary cormorant, sleek wings a-flurry, streaked out to the place where sea and sky melt into each other and was lost from sight.

The slurpy slapping of the sea was muted, a metronomic murmur. The waves were merely snoozing, sluggish and slumbering in their liquid robes. They dribbled up to the beach of the sheltered cove, then shuddered and drizzled their sea spray onto its surface, whisking the stones before releasing. A current of cold electricity passed through the air. We shivered. The wind whipped up. The sea simmered.

The mesmeric beauty of its beat was heart-swelling. We realized then that the sea was its own master, kindling its own symphony. It hadn't finished its song yet, however. The wind, the midwife of the seas, served a different master and whipped it into a frenzy. 

"Sophia, are you okay?" Lucy asked me as she held onto my hand and pulled me to walk with the others.

I smiled towards her and kissed the side of her hand.

"I am fine Lu" I smile. "Thank you"

We continued to walk together down the ruins and we follow the small man we called Trumpkin, through the place we call home still. We were unfamiliar on where we were going as everything had changed. We had left for nearly 2000 years. I felt ashamed as the High Queen to of left my home to ruins, I felt responsible for leaving Narnia to turn to ruins.

I knew I couldn't go back to the past.

But I knew I could change the future.

Sehnsucht - Sequel to 'Sophia The Stalwart' (Peter Pevensie Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now