"Why? Why do you think I won't buy you something you asked?" He looked at me with an amused smile but soon frowned when I answered his question. 

"Because of the debt. You said my father already has a lot of debt owned to you. So I thought if he has already money to give you than me asking you to buy me stuffs will just anger you."

He quickly looked away as an uneasy expression falls on his face. I have seen this face before whenever I ask him about the money my father took he consistently gives me that troubled look which I can't help but pondered about it all the time.

"Well why would you say that? Your father's debt is his debt not yours. Even if I might have taken you hostage to get my money back it doesn't mean I'd not treat you like how you deserve to be treated. Let's get you something to wear, shall we?" He held my hand in his as he gave me his famous smile. 

We went to every single stores bought ourselves everything we liked. To be honest I wasn't going to buy this much amount of  stuffs we were holding right now but Jason would buy anything and everything which got my eyes. I don't know how he found out which clothes or shoes I was eyeing even if I didn't say anything about it because one minute I am gawking at the fabric and next moment he is holding it front of me.

We both walked out of the final store and I stretched my arms a bit. I never had done this much shopping in my life actually I never did any shopping before this because whenever I do some shopping myself I was always buy things that my nana doesn't approve. Well I am not complaining about it because my choice of clothing sucks a lot. So it was always nana who bought me clothing. I pulled Jason's arms as I remember something that I needed to do.

"I am going to use the washroom."

"Want me to follow you?"

"No! No! It's OK I can go on my own." I sheepishly tell me and he smiled at me patting my head.

"OK! Then you go to loo I'll take this bags to the car." I nod my head and we both went our ways. As soon as I entered the comfort room I sighed a bit relief seeing no one there. I really don't like it when there's people around while I am taking a pee. It's just embarrassing.

I quickly went inside the cubicle and did my business. I heave out another sigh of relief when some ladies only entered the loo after I was finished cleaning my hands. I quickly made my cap and headed out without even looking in front of me making me bump into a wall which actually apologized.

Looking up from my cap I saw a man probably in his twenties or something. I quickly got up from the floor and dusted off my pants.

"Are you alright, miss?" He came to check up on me but stopped mid sentence and stared at my face. "Have I seen you before miss?"

"I'm sorry. I think you got the wrong person." I made my voice a little low and quickly dashed off from him not raising my head up too scared to be noticed by someone else again.

"Hey! Stop!" As soon as I wasn't in the parking lot I felt someone grabbed my hand and from the voice I knew exactly who he was.

"I was right I have seen you before."

"I'm sorry."

"You are the mayor's daughter that was supposed to be kidnapped?" He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. My eyes went wide at the mention of my father. "What are you doing here?"

"I... I..." what should I do? Should I tell him or Nah? "The... thing... is...."

"What's going on here?" Before I could complete my sentence someone's voice interrupted us. I looked to the spot from where the voice came and it was none other than Jason Miller.

"It's Nothing bro, I just found the mayor's lost daughter over here."

"I think you got the wrong girl buddy." He speed over to me and swiftly move me away from the stranger.

We stopped midway when the same guy came and halted us grasping Jason's shoulder.

"I'm not mistaken bro. I have seen her photo in a lot of news channel for the past couple of weeks that I can never go wrong. It's really her." The man came closer to me while I step backwards scared.

Did he just say news? Wait why would I be in the news? Doesn't my dad know that I am taken by Jason because of the debt? If he knows Jason was the one who took then why is he risking his life by telling the whole world that I got kidnapped. I was so deep in my thoughts that for a moment I forgot about the two grown men growling at each other like some wild animals.

"I told you it's not her. Now will you f*ck off." Jason spat angrily at the unknown man.

"Bro, The way you are behaving is just making it more obvious she's really the girl who got kidnapped."

"When I told you the first time it's not her you should have stop it."

"Why so salty bro? Are you by chance her kidnapper? Is this the guy who kidnapped you?" I turned my head to the side not able to answer. "You disgusting creature." He went to hit Jason but poor guy he didn't who he was messing with.

I was just stuck in my place not knowing how to react to the situation. It's my second time seeing Jason so violent but the fears and chills running down my body is still the same as I had when I first saw it.

After a couple of hits my breathing started getting heavy and I saw Jason got off from the man. Tears started blurring my eyes as I stare at the half dead man laying on the floor as Jason dragged me to the car. He put my traumatized self on the passenger seat as I saw him took out a syringe and small container that had some kind of liquid.

"Wh--- what's that?" I stuttered while he gave me a tight lipped smile.

"It's nothing you need to know about." He then walked away to that man closing the door. Jason crouched down in front of the man and plunged the needle in his neck. My heart started beating loudly as Jason started walking towards the car with a deadly look and entered the car. The ride back home was so awkward and uncomfortable that I felt I could die in this atmosphere any minute.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now