twenty four: fun day

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"And make sure the flowers are ro-

Justin quickly stopped talking on the phone when he saw me come out of my room.

"You k-know the flowers Cam" He quickly said sand smiled at me.

"Yeah talk to you later bye" He said and hung up.

"What flowers?" I asked and he cleared his throat and shook his head.

"C-Cam's taking Em on a date today I told him to make sure he gets her flowers, she loves flowers" He said and I nodded my head but he didn't quite sound like he was telling the truth.

"Oh that's great, did you have you're breakfast?" I asked.

"Nope, I just came out of shower" He said.

"Oh me too, let's go then" I said and he just kept smiling and nodding making me smile suspiciously at him.

"Justin let's go" I said.

"Oh oh, y-yeah, let's go" He repeated and followed me downstairs and into the kitchen and we sat down at the table across each other.

"Good morning kids, there you go" Mama Jen said and served us our breakfast and we started eating.

Justin kept clearing his throat every next minute and I felt his keen keep bouncing under the table. What was he so nervous for?

"So Scarlett..." He said and I looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You have a holiday at work today right?" He said and I giggled confusedly this time.

"Yeah, I mean its Sunday" I said and face dropped in embarrassment for a second before he cleared his throat again.

"Oh yeah, exactly" He scratched the back of his head.

"So I was thinking that since....s-since we both are home and alone today, we can maybe.....maybe go out somewhere?" He said sounding like he was asking himself.

"Out?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean right now we can go shopping, then go for a walk in a park or something and I've- I mean then we can go for a dinner after we come home and change into something better and stuff? Like just a fun day?" He said and my eyebrows raised as I nodded at how he had planned out everything perfectly.

This surely wasn't an on the spot plan, you can tell.

His face got more and more nervous withe very second that I didn't speak.

"What should I make for dinner tonight for ya'll?" Mama Jen interrupted us.

"I um....uh...-

"Actually, there is no need of lunch or dinner today, me and Justin are going out the whole day to have fun" I said giving Justin and Mama Jen their answers together and I've never seen Justin this relieved.

" Yeah.....that's exactly what I was going to say" Justin said and I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from laughing.

"Oh that's great, alright then, have fun" She said and I smiled at her before walked away and got back to eating breakfast while trying not to burst out laughing but failed.

"Oh were so nervous for that?!" I laughed and his cheeks turned red before he himself couldn't help but laugh with me.

"I was about to shit my pants" He said after we calmed down a little and I shook my head.


We came back home around 7 after a long walk in the park with a lot of shopping bags in our hands and I plopped down on the couch and Justin followed and his head rested on my lap causing butterflies in my stomach.

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