two: fights

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I didn't know if I could go out of the room or not, I could still hear Selena's loud laughs and I was very hungry. If I have to go down, I will invade their privacy and she's not going to stay quiet then.

I can't even just shout for Mama Jen.

I plopped on my bed and sighed.

It's been two weeks since I moved in here and I'm trying to be as unproblematic as I can. Justin has told me keep myself out of Selena's sight as much as I can. And I know that by saying that he meant that I better keep myself locked inside my room.

Selena comes here everyday, for almost the whole day.

But I cannot do anything but obey Justin, this is his house and I'm put here against his will. I need to get out of here soo-

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. After a long tutorial from Cameron, I had finally gotten used to handling the iPhone I got from Uncle Jeremy.

The caller ID read 'Cam'

"Hey Cam" I said and picked.

"Hey, so my girlfriend Emma is friends with the owner of this cool Cafe in the fifth ave and she asked her if there was a space for you and the owner agreed, said you can join from tomorrow, you in?" He said and I smiled wide.

"Yes Cam! thank you so much! and by the way, when am I getting to meet Emma?" I said.

"As soon as possible, you do need to have a friend other than me" He said and i chuckled.

"Okay bye" He said.

"Bye" I said and hung up.

For a minute or so, I couldn't hear Selena anymore, so I mustered up some courage and walked down the stairs. As I went lower, I could hear Uncle Jeremy yelling, followed by Justin's yells.

I stood at the stairs, not knowing what to do as I watched them fight.

"Dad why don't you understand that I love her!?" Justin yelled, tugging at his hair.

"I do understand you Justin, but she does not love you like you love her, she loves the smell of money that comes from you!" Uncle Jeremy yelled.

"Oh so now you know my girlfriend better than me?" Justin chuckled bitterly.

"Justin I'm your father, I know wh-

"No you don't dad! If you did, you wouldn't tell me breakup with Selena!" Justin yelled.

"Do you listen to me when I say that I hate having Scarlett live with me?!" Justin continued and I held my breath. Uncle Jeremy glanced at me and then glanced back at him.


"I don't like her dad! she's a burden, I have to take care of her like she's a child the whole day because of you! I listen to everything you say but you can't let me be with the one thing that makes me happy?" Justin said, his voice cracking.

I looked down at my feet when Uncle Jeremy glanced at me again.

"There's no point talking to you Justin, I have to do something on my own" Uncle Jeremy said.

"Fine, go do whatever you want but I won't breakup with Selena and that's final" Justin said to him and turned around and stormed past me and up the stairs, without acknowledging my presence, I noticed the tears brimming his eyes.

Uncle Jeremy sighed and walked to me and held my shoulders.

"He wasn't in a good mood okay? don't take it your heart, you know how he gets when he's angry right?" He said and I nodded and faked a smile, just to assure that I don't let show how hurt I was from inside.

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