Part 13. Shattered Glass.

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Inside the room, there was a single pedestal, nothing else, except whatever was bathing the small room in a soft, sky blue glow. Jordan walked straight up to the pedestal, where there laid a small, rectangular piece of glass.
"What is that?" Ash asked, his voice lowered as the room was almost deadly still.
"It's what I brought you here to see. Whenever someone looks into the glass, it replays their happiest memory. However, this is only a fragment of the full mirror, so the furthest memory it's been known to reach is from about 8 years ago."
"Have you ever used it, Jordan?" Ash moved slightly closer to Jordan, not noticing that her face had turned paler than normal.
"I-it doesn't work for me..." was the soft reply.
"What do you mean? You just said-"
"It doesn't work for me okay!" Jordan pushed Ash away from her, which caused him to bump into the pedestal. The force of the impact managed to push the glass fragment off of the pedestal, and it fell with a loud smash, breaking into tiny shards. At seeing this, Jordan's eyes widened, her mouth agape in shock before she turned and ran out of the small room.
"Jordan!" Ash called as she ran, but she didn't stop. So, with a sigh, Ash crouched down and started picking up the shards, but he couldn't help but realise that there was a scene playing in each and every piece.

It was the day that Ash had received his final results at New Moon Academy and found out that his grades were high enough for him to attend the University of Mossdeep. His parents were there, hugging him while his mother was very nearly in hysterics because she was so happy for him, and Excadrill was by his side like always, baffled by the heavy mix of emotions throughout the room. Ash's mouth curved into a small smile, before he remembered what had just happened, so he stood up and placed all of the glass shards on the pedestal before running after Jordan.

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