Part 3. Like a Xylophone.

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"Wait wait wait, you're Jordan Zee-lander? For real?" Ash asked as he struggled to keep up with Jordan, who was putting books away on seemingly random piles in the room with the white door, which was like a small library.
"It's pronounced Xylander, like a xylophone. And you're Ashworth Raines."
"It's Ash, and how do you know my name? Or my address for that matter?"
"Simple. I had Cari follow you home when I saw you looking at the help wanted poster." Before Ash could enquirer about who on earth Cari was, Jordan stopped walking, and turned to face the taller. "Now, about why you came for the job."
"Well, I-"
"You want to have sex with me, right?" Ash's eyes widened in shock as he nearly choked on his spit.
"I can see it in your eyes, even if you're not conscious about the idea being in your head." Jordan climbed up a ladder and placed her last book on a shelf that was otherwise empty before continuing. "So, let me stop you right there. One, my chest is completely flat, there's nothing to play with, and two, I've never really been interested in sex, in fact I consider myself asexual."
"That's not why I want a job here." Ash was trying to remain calm, but he was definitely flustered by the way Jordan was talking about sex as if it was a normal conversation topic.
" you want to romance me? I'd understand it, people do tell me that I'm rather attractive for a human female."
"That's not it either!" Ash exclaimed, finally causing Jordan to pause. "I want to work here because I'm aspiring to become an archaeologist." Jordan got down from the ladder and giggled slightly.
"Oh really? Then why ever would you want to work here?"
"Well, you're an archaeologist, aren't you?"
"Arceus no, I'm no stuffy archaeologist." She ran ahead and twirled around a bit. "I'm a Relic Seeker. No, I'm the Relic Seeker."
"A Relic...Seeker? What the hell is a Relic Seeker?"

Before Jordan could answer, a phone rang in the main reception area.
"Oh that's probably for me." She ran out of the room, skidding to a halt at the phone, the rather frilly white dress she was wearing flaring up a little too high as she did so, but by the time Ash had reached her, Jordan was already mid-conversation, making notes on her arm.
"Yes... Sky Cave, right I know the place... Thank you very much sir! Your help is much appreciated!" And then, she hung up, before looking at Ash with a smug smile on her face.
"Looks like the Relic Seeker and her new assistant have got a job!"

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