Part 6. A New Day.

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7:00am. That was the time that Jordan had set for Ash to go to work, every day. Luckily, he had been insured a generous pay by the hour, so waking up at half 5 in the morning was less of an inconvenience than it would be otherwise.

So, at 5:30am, Ash woke up to the sound of his alarm, which was set on the sound of a Murkrow's cries. A hand darted out of Ash's duvet, almost slamming down on his alarm clock as he groaned, tired. After a few minutes, he sat up, his hair dishevelled and eyes sleepy, and it took him another few minutes to get out of bed before he started getting dressed. It was his first official day, so he just wore a plain white t-shirt and black jeans. When your boss prances around in frilly white dresses, you don't really feel a need to wear a suit to work.

At 10 to 6, Ash was all dressed and ready, so he quickly and quietly made his way downstairs, before making a bowl of cereal and almost wolfing it down, and by 6am he was out the door, pulling his worn messenger bag over his head.


"You're late." Jordan's voice greeted Ash when he walked into the antique shop.
"Nice to see you too..." he mumbled, before looking at his watch. "I'm not even late by a whole minute."
"Well you're still late, I said 7 on the dot. Now, as a punishment, you can start sorting out my paperwork!" A rather cheeky grin was spread across Jordan's face as she spoke, making Ash assume that the incredibly large stack of folders in Jordan's arms made up the paperwork that he would have to sort through. And boy was he right.

What to shred and what to keep, those were the two piles Ash had to make with Jordan's paperwork, but where to start was the issue. Most of the documents were years old, some even over a decade! Worse still, most of them weren't even work related documents, but personal bank statements and invoices, including overdue loan and rent payments. Ash sighed to himself, before starting to sort the papers.

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