Part 9. A Trip.

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"So explain to me again how proving magic exists equates to flying to Johto?"
"As I already told you, Johto was the first region that remnants of magic were uncovered in, so we're bound to find some extra special magic stuff there. Especially since my friend works in the ruins."
"You have a friend who works in some ruins?"
"Yeah, what's weird about that?"
"Nothing..." Ash sighed, trying to get more comfortable in the small aeroplane seat.

Within a few hours, Ash was roughly shaken awake by Jordan, as the plane had landed in Johto. So, the two of them managed to get off of the plane safely and retrieved their baggage, before standing around in the cold wind, looking for Jordan's friend.
"I thought you said this guy was supposed to be here." Ash sighed, hugging himself to try and stay warm.
"He will be, keep your hair on." At that moment, Jordan's attention diverted to a vintage camper van that had just pulled up. It was a rather disgustingly bright shade of neon orange with equally bright green letters that read 'The Big R' on the side. After a few seconds, a man who looked to be in his mid 20s got out of the driver's seat. His hair was short, but vibrant like his van as his electric blue hair almost seemed fluorescent, but his roots gave him away as naturally black-haired. "Roger!" Jordan called to the man, standing on her tiptoes as she waved to him. He walked over and immediately engulfed Jordan in a hug for almost a minute before finally letting go.
"Feels like it's been forever, J! And who's the pale twink you brought with you, huh?" Ash was speechless due to being addressed in such a way, while Jordan just giggled.
"This is Ashworth, he's my new assistant."
"New assistant, hmm?" Roger grabbed Ash's chin and seemed to inspect his face for a few seconds as Ash remained silent, flustered. "He's cute..." Roger smirked, as he let go of Ash and turned to Jordan. "Let's get going, shall we? We have a long drive to Violet City ahead of us."

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