Time to let go.

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If my heart was Violin,

Would you play it?

Would you stroke my strings gently,

Playing our song?

If my heart was a Butterfly,

Would you pin it to a board to observe me?

Or would disect me little by little,

Just to understand me a bit more?

If my heart was in your hands,

Would you protect it with your life?

Or would you let it slip from your hands onto the floor?

My heart belongs to you,

but as each day goes by.

We drift away from eachother just a little bit more.

This love of ours is breaking,

and the pages of our life together is becoming less and less.

What more could we do?

What more could we say?

Though my mind says we can do so much more,

My heart yerns for the end.

There is nothing more we could do,

Only to let eachother go.

Poems of 2010Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang