"What about you, Mother? Father?" She asked. The noises around them seemed to get louder by the second.

Queen Genevieve gave her daughter a small but beautiful smile, one Elina didn't know if she would ever see again. The queen's honey gold eyes filled with fear and panic, glistened with tears.

"We'll be fine pumpkin. And so will you. Your father and I are ready to put our lives down to protect you and this kingdom's future if we have to. Remember this, you are beautiful, brave and so strong. You make us so proud and we love you with our whole heart. That will never change even if we aren't there to remind you everyday. You will grow up into a fine young lady and lead this kingdom to prosperity. I am sure of it. But for now, you have to leave. Protect yourself. That horrid man will stop at nothing until he gets what he's after. I will miss you, baby girl. Remember that I will always love you okay?"

She hugged Elina tight and kissed her forehead softly. Elina breathed in deeply, taking in her mother's warmth. Queen Genevieve pulled back and pat Fin's body. "Stay safe."

She took a step back to allow Fin to ascend.

"Your Majesty, look out!"

Queen Genevieve moved out of the way just in time to avoid the whole right side of the castle tower from crashing down.


Princess Elina held the reins tightly in her hands as she frantically tried to spot her mother amongst the gathering dust from the fallen rubble. Fin flew up steadily dodging the flying debris and boulders. If Elina was shocked at the scenario inside the palace grounds, she was flabbergasted and utterly miserable when she got a view of the burning village.

People were trying to escape and everywhere she turned, the orange red hues of the flames that enveloped Corona in its tight scorching grasp was what she could see as far as her vision would go. Her heart beat harshly against her chest that she was afraid it was going to pop out.

'Don't stop until you get there, even if somebody asks you to.'

'Stay safe for me pumpkin.'

"But I cannot let my kingdom go to ruin right in front of me. I wasn't trained so much for nothing. I wasn't gifted with such powerful magic for acting like a coward. I know I'm too young to be of major help but anything will be welcome by these people right now."

Princess Elina was determined. Her eyes glowed a brighter shade of gold as she steered Fin towards the ground. Fin growled in protest, but the princess was having none of it.

"We have to help them Fin. I can't let them die when I know I can do something to help. And something tells me that I shouldn't ignore what I feel right now."

At last Fin obeyed her order and descended. Elina could feel the heat scorching her skin but it didn't harm her. She may be just a child but her powers out matched even the Guardians - the highest ranked mages who had the power of clairvoyance .

For what seemed like ages, Elina helped people put out fire and clamber upon dragons, which took them to the portals and dropped them to the neighboring kingdoms of Eleandra and Avrael.

Just as she helped an old lady up on Fin, she heard an anguished cry and a shout for help. With whatever energy she had left, Elina ran towards the sound of the shouts. She found a boy of her age shaking the body of a woman. His face was wet with tears that seemed to glisten from the light given by the fire burning down his house.

"You have to let her go. She won't wake up." Elina said softly, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. He shook his head and held her even tighter.

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