Chapter 13

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Jimin awoke to his usual alarm, groaning he clicked the dismiss button and rolled over. Pulling his legs closer to his body he began to get lost in thought, I don't think you should go in today... but you have a counselling appointment this morning. Crap, just go in for counselling then come back home. His phone vibration cut through his thoughts.

To Jimin
From Yoongi:

Can't walk today, but I'll see you later yeah?


Jimin sighed before replying.

To Suga
From Jimin:

Okay, see you later.


Jimin knew that was a lie, he should tell him, but how? He hauled himself from his bed, throwing on his uniform. A piece of clothing caught Jimin's eyes, resting on the back of his desk chair was Yoongi's jacket. Pulling on the jacket, Jimin could faintly smell a hint of Yoongi's cologne. He quickly shoved his feet into his shoes, grabbed his bag and started out the door. Jimin you're gonna be late and miss the train in a minute.

He reached the train station just in time. He took his usual spot, it felt weird without Yoongi being with him. It had only been a week but it felt like they had been known each other for years.

Jimin reached school just in time for the bell and he rushed for Yongguk's room. He stood outside the door to catch his breath for a few seconds before knocking. Yongguk opened the door with a smile, "Ah Jimin, please come in." Yongguk instantly recognised Yoongi's Jacket, he made a mental note to talk to Yoongi later in their afternoon session. Jimin sat in the same chair as last time and waited for Yongguk, Yongguk picked up a pad and pen. "So Jimin, I've booked you in for two sessions, but you don't have to stay for them. Last time you were telling me about your new friends, would you like to continue?"

Jimin nodded, a smile pulling at his lips as he spoke, "We have hung out pretty much all week. We stayed the weekend round one of their houses and he let me use his art stuff." He carried on to recite the past week.

Yongguk studied Jimin a second longer reading his body language before speaking, "Wow, that's really good Jimin... but there is something on your mind isn't there?"

Jimin hung his head, "Yeah."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Yongguk asked.

Jimin raised his head eyes filled with fear, "I'm scared, I don't want to be alone again."

Yongguk felt a rise in anger towards Jimin's family, how could they do this to such a nice person like Jimin. "What makes you believe you'll be alone?"

"They always do, no matter how hard I try, they always leave."

"From what you have told me they are scared of you leaving, I don't think they will leave you, and I'm not just telling you that to make you feel better. The fact that you were threatened when he thought you were going to leave them, it shows me that you all share the same fears." Jimin felt a rush of relief hearing that they weren't going to leave him.

"Jimin, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you need to answer this truthfully, it will help me assess you." Yongguk paused and Jimin nodded in confirmation "Have you ever self-harmed?" Jimin's blood ran cold and Yongguk didn't need a verbal answer to know it was a yes. "Can I ask why?"

"W-why" Jimin stuttered, not prepared for this conversation, "I-I don't know."

"May I ask how?"

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