Chapter 6

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"Oh..." A confused expression took over the headmasters face for a few seconds before it turned into a welcoming smile, "Hello Jimin." He motioned for Jimin to sit on one of the leather chairs in front of his oak desk. He looked at Jimin and waited for him to speak, "It's okay to be nervous, everyone is on their first day. Okay?"

Jimin stuttered, "O-okay." The headmaster smiled once again and Jimin continued, "W-were you E-expecting someone else?"

"No, Why-oh, that. I thought you were going to be Taehyung. He usually just barges in, normally if he knocks it means he has something petty to argue about." he chuckled "The boy means well. Was he bothering you?"

"Ah, no." Jimin shook his head, "H-he, ah, he helped me find m-my way here."

"That's alright then." He paused, "Let's get on with this." He reached for the papers on the desk and put them into a folder. He passed it to Jimin, who took the folder and slowly placed it on his lap. "In that folder, there is the school syllabus, so it will tell you what books you will need to buy and any other equipment. There is your school timetable, which has all your subjects as well as all of your teachers and classrooms on. A map, which is the updated version, I have also shaded out the rooms you won't be using in black, other rooms that maybe useful to you are striped, and the rooms you are definitely using are white. There is a set of the school rules, the main rules I can think of now, is if a teacher says they don't like you using phones in their class respect their wishes, turn up to school in school uniform, no smoking on the school site and no fighting." He paused to see if Jimin had processed all the information.

"O-okay, um, what" Jimin hesitated.

"What about your anxiety and other problems?"

"Yeah." Jimin answered shyly.

"Well, I haven't decided anything yet, I wanted to talk to you first and see if anything particular came to mind?"

"Um, I don't want to be a hassle." Jimin played with the hem of his shirt.

"You're not going to be a hassle. Just suggest some ideas and I will tell you if that is possible or not for us to help." He smiled again to encourage Jimin to carry on speaking.

"Oh, okay... umm there are a few things I can think of." Jimin paused, "Music helps, so if it's not too much, would I be able to listen to my music when I start to feel overwhelmed?" He looked up to see how the headmaster would react.

"Of course, is there anything else we could do?" The headmaster questioned.

"Would it be okay if there was a room where I could go and calm down... and maybe if I was allowed something to fidget with in lessons?"

"Of course Jimin. Is your anxiety set off by certain things?"

"Um... yeah... high amounts of stress, drastic changes in plans and being picked on by the teachers to answer questions, so could you please... maybe, talk to the teachers? I think that's all." Jimin looked back down and progressed onto picking at the loose threads on the hem of his shirt.

"Okay, thank you Jimin." Reaching down into one of the large oak draws in his desk, he pulled out various objects and placed it onto the desk in front of Jimin. "Here, I'm guessing you don't have much to fidget with at the moment and you are going to ruin your shirt at this rate, so, you can pick out of these objects." In front of Jimin sat a yellow stress ball, a pack of blu tack, two magnets and some paperclips. He reached for the blu tack and pulled some out of the pack.

"Thank you, I'll um... get to..." Jimin turned round his timetable so he could look at it, "Maths." He hesitated for a moment, "W-would you be able to thank Taehyung for me?"

"Yes, of course." Jimin stood up from the seat and moved to leave. "Jimin?" He turned around to look at the headmaster "Is your anxiety something you want to keep a secret, or am I allowed to inform other students?"

Jimin contemplated it for a few seconds "A s-secret please, M-maybe, if they ask you could tell them but It depends on the person."

"Okay, thank you. Good luck for the rest of the day."

Manoeuvring thorough the corridors was so much easier now. Approaching the classroom he collected his thoughts. Holding his breath he opened the door. All the students turned to face him and the dark crimson colour seeped its way back onto his cheeks. In a rush the teacher yelled a random page number at the class and told them to complete the questions in the book while he sorts something out. I'm guessing that something is me. Pushing his black hair back he grabbed a few papers off the desk and led Jimin back out to the corridor.

"Hello Jimin, I'm Kim Junmyeon your maths teacher. I got an Email about everything so there is no need to explain." He handed Jimin a piece of paper, "Here is the seating plan. We have a few spare seats so I could make it so you can have your own desk, if you wanted." Jimin scanned the page, a familiar name caught his eye, Taehyung. There were no spare seats near him but he thought, it couldn't hurt to try right.

"Um, sir... is it alright if I sat here?"

"Next to Taehyung? Are you sure?" he questioned.

Jimin nodded "I, um, met him earlier he helped he find my way."

"Okay." he smiled back "Bambam isn't in today so you should be able to just go and sit down." Junmyeon led Jimin back into the classroom and to his seat. "Here is a textbook and the page number is 365. If you need anything just ask me, okay?"

Jimin nodded and turned to flip the textbook to the right page. 365, 365, page 365, a couple more, that's page 355...

"I told you I'd see you again." Taehyung whispered.

Jimin looked up to see Taehyung inches from his face. Taehyung's mouth broke out into his boxy grin as he moved to sit in his seat properly. Jimin turned to look at him and smiled softly.

"You really don't speak much do you?" Taehyung's mouth started to form a pout as turned back to focus on his textbook.

Feeling bad for not speaking, he choked out his name, "Jimin."

Taehyung shot up from his seat and pointed a finger a Jimin, "OH MY GOD... HE SPEAKS!"

"TAEHYUNG SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!" Junmyeon yelled, Taehyung looked over to Jimin and the latter's face was painted a deep red.

"Ah, sorry." Taehyung bowed to both Jimin and Junmyeon before sitting back down. Silence surrounded the two boys and Taehyung laughed awkwardly "Hey... you wanna hear a joke?" Jimin looked at Taehyung confused, "I'll take that as a yes... what to you say to an annoying flamingo" Taehyung started to laugh at his own joke, "Why don't you just flamingo." Taehyung was in tears, "Did you get it? Flamingo, flipping go." Jimin laughed at the state Taehyung was in, "Ha, you laughed, I win... " Taehyung gloated, "Pretty good joke huh?"

Jimin laughed even harder "I'm laughing out of pity."

"How rude." Taehyung clutched his chest playfully "I'm offended."

"Well it's not my fault for saying such terrible jokes."

"Wow, for someone who doesn't talk much you can be, like, hella sassy."

Jimin pretended to hair flip, "Why wouldn't I be."

There was only one word Taehyung could say, "Damn."

Taehyung kept telling awful jokes that you could only laugh at out of pity and the lesson was over before they knew it. Break had arrived and Jimin didn't know what to do. "Hey, do you wanna meet my friends?" Taehyung asked.


"You don't have too, I just thought you probably have no friends."


Taehyung facepalmed, "Like because you're new, not because you're unpopular or anything."

"Oh... if t-that's o-okay." Jimin cursed himself for stuttering.

"YES!" Taehyung screeched.


Taehyung leant over to Jimin and whispered, "They're so cool. I can't wait for you to meet them!"

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