Chapter 4

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Passing through the front door the strong stench of antiseptic hit Yoongi. Sitting down on the stool he noticed the bandages and first aid kit. Its contents were strewn all over the kitchen counter top. Here we go again, he thought. Jin handed Namjoon an ice pack and promptly turned to Yoongi to 'fix him up'. The pain stabbed at him as Jin washed the wounds on Yoongi's knuckles. the sting from the antiseptic earned a hiss from Yoongi and a long string of swear words.

"There, all patched up." Jin stated. Inspecting the job he'd done with Yoongi's bandages he smiled kindly and ruffled Yoongi's hair. "Come on we have to get going or were going to be late."

Dosed up with painkillers they, at last, set out the door. Luckily they made it to the train station just in time for the last train (until like, 1pm, but what's the point of going to school when the whole day is basically over). That's all thanks to Jin, he always arrives at the house way before they need to leave, so even if 'incidents' like today happen they can still get to school on time.

They boarded the train. Thankfully, Namjoon and Jin pretended nothing had happened this morning and carried on with life normally. Yoongi noticed that the last train to school wasn't actually that busy, it's nice not having to be crammed next to or near all those people. In an area with little to no people he saw a boy, Hey, wears the same uniform as us, I swear I haven't seen him before though?. Yoongi stared at the boy, what's he tryna do?, he found it highly entertaining watching him struggle, his tongue poking out in concentration as he was trying to, he guessed, find something in his bag. The boy had finally achieved his objective and Yoongi scoffed at the look of triumph on the boy's face. Rolling his eyes he smiled to himself.

"Already judging Suga? We haven't even gotten to school yet." Jin teased whilst grinning like an idiot.

"Shut your trap." Yoongi mumbled as he leant his head against Jin's shoulder. Yoongi's eyes were drawn back to the boy, observing how he put the earbuds in his ear and the way his face slowly evolved into a soft smile as he looked out the window. Closing his eyes, he hoped for some extra sleep.

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