Jasper Hale Part 2: Hopeless (4)

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“Alex!” A voice calls, it sounds like my friend, Liam, a male nurse. 

I sigh and unlock the door, I walk out of the room where I feel two hands that are the same temperature as mine grip my wrist. I look to my left to see Edward and to my right to see Jasper. I use my power to kept them from reading me. 

“How did you guys do that?” I ask.

They don’t answer. Wonderful.

“What are you doing?” Edward asks. 

“You guys have an unfair advantage, I’m just leveling the playing fields,” I reply. 

“We aren’t going to hurt you,” Jasper says.

“Then, let go of my wrists.”

“You’ll run away once we do,” He smiles knowingly. 

“Fine,” I sigh. “What do you want to know?”

“What are you doing to us?” Edward asks. Both boys pull me into the room I was just in and the door is locked.

“I have the ability to create a mirror so you two are using your powers on yourself.” 

“Why did you run from me?” Jasper asks. 

I shook my head refusing to answer. 

“Please tell us,” Edward begs. 

Suddenly, I feel a wave of guilt and I look ay Jasper shaking my head and strengthening my mirroring affect so he is making himself feel guilty, “Guilt-trips won’t work, Jasper.”

“Can you tell us what you are hiding?” Jasper asks. 

“Hiding?” I ask innocently.

“You are blocking your mind and your emotions,” Edward persists. 

I shrug continuing my innocent act. 

“It’s not bad is it?” Jasper asks using an innocent act of his own. 

“No,” I state firmly. 

“Then, tell us,” Edward prompts.

I sigh, “You really want to know?”

They nod. I roll my eyes. 

“Fine. I remember Jasper from my human life,” I admit. 

“That’s it,” Edward looks like he is about to start laughing. 

“It’s not funny. I can’t understand why I remember him, I only saw him once,” I lied.

“When? Was your name always Alex?” Of course. Jasper would think of me as a girl not  the replacement Major of Oklahoma. 

“It was during the night, but I was Alex back then too.” 


“At a fire,” I told him. “Like a camp fire.”

“I can’t remember anything like that,” Jasper admits. 

I chuckle, “I know. That is exactly why I didn’t want to say anything, but you forced it out of me. Now if you guys are done harassing me, I will leave.”

“Why did you run?” Jasper asks.

“I told you.”

“If you knew-”

“Because I knew you won’t know me,” I stated before leaving the room.

I closed the door on Edward and Jasper, embarrassed. Edward surely saw my thoughts. He knows that I know Jasper from acting like a boy to be in the war. Mentally, I beg him not to say anything.

I go to get some pain killers for Bella before checking in on her. When I enter the room it is full of vampires. “Hello, Alex, it has been awhile,” Carlisle greets.

“You know her?” Bella asks.

Carlisle nods, “Alex this is my mate, Esme,” - He points to a woman with a heart shaped face and carmel colored hair - “Emmett and Rosalie,” - A tall, buff guy with dark, curly hair and a stunning blond woman - “and I believe you’ve meet Alice, Edward, and Jasper.” 

I nod awkwardly before giving Bella her medicine. While the others are talking to Bella, I pull Edward aside. “Don’t say anything to him,” I murmur.

“I won’t,” He promises.

“If he finds out, it’ll be on you,” I warn.

“You should be watching Alice,” Edward pointed the the talkative little pixie.

Alice is laughing, but glances our way as a way of making a secret agreement with us. We join in on the conversation, but I have to return to work a few moments later.

When I am getting ready to end my shift, I see Bella and the Cullens getting ready to leave. “Alex!” Alice calls.

“Hi,” I say awkwardly.

“How would you like to come live with us?” She offers. 

“Um...” I look around to see if there are any objections, but I see none. “Sure.”

“Come on,” She beams. “Carlisle has already straightened things out here. I saw your decision earlier.” 

Jasper Hale Parts 1 - 3  (Wishful Thinking, Hopeless; Safe and Sound)Where stories live. Discover now