Chapter 26 (FINALE)

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"Okay, are you guys ready?" Minho asks. We managed to get a bunch of people on board. This list included Alby, Newt, Jeff, Clint, Chuck, Winston, Frypan, Zart, Liam(even though he was in no shape to travel), Thomas, and a couple other gladers. In total, we had about 20, and we seemed to be in good shape. Gally was no where to be seen, and nobody seemed to care, but I had a strange feeling. The doors were about to open, and we were giving instructions. "Y/n is leading, and I will be the caboose. Try to keep up." Minho says. He nods at me. I nod back, and the doors begin to open as if on cue. I mentally prepare myself, and stand my ground. "Okay, let's go." I say. I begin to run, and everyone files in after me. I try not to run too fast, seeing as most these guys aren't runners. I look behind me and see Minho grumpy. He isn't a morning person, and he only had an apple. I know he wants to run faster, but he can't. After almost and hour of running, which took longer because of the other's paces, we were nearing the cliff. "Will there be any grievers?" Jeff asks, a little out of breath. "No, it's daytime." I answer with ease. He huffs behind me, and we keep running. One last turn, I see a beetle blade out of the edge of my eye. SHUCK> I stop abruptly, and the other guys almost trip over me. "What?" Zart asks grumpily. "It's a beetle blade." I say. Everyone looks around confused, but as I turn I see the scared look on Minho's face as he realises the seriousness. "WE GOTTA GO!" I yell. "QUICK! DO AS WE SAY, DON'T QUESTION!" I yell as I break off into a sprint. Everyone runs after me, and we run up the cliff. I hear the grievers shrieking behind us. They are gaining on us, and I run faster. I step to the side when we reach the top of the cliff. "JUMP!" I yell. "It's about an 8 feet gap, so get a running start." I rush. They jump one at a time, and I rush them forward. Zart leaps off the cliff, but he drops down, instead of getting into the whole. "ZART!" I yell. I look over the edge, and he is gone. Tears slip down my cheeks even though I didn't know him that well. The fact that someone even got hurt because of my plan makes me sad. I feel Minho squeeze my shoulders. "It's not your fault." He says. I nod and continue to usher people out. I see a griever pop out from the maze about half a mile away. "GO! GO! FASTER!" I yell. By now, 2 people are jumping at a time. Almost everyone is through, and now only Minho, Thomas, and Alby are left with me. Suddenly, a griever jumps out at us, and Minho pushes me out of the way. The griever tries to get him, but Minho pushes it away with a spear. "Minho! Wait!" I yell. They both look at me, and I walk toward the griever slowly. It gets off of Minho, and he scrambles to his feet. I am about to make contact with the griever, but Thomas throws the spear at it's head. He narrowly misses, and the griever shrieks. "No Thomas!" I scream. But it's too late, the griever and Thomas are in full out sparring mode. "Alby! Go!" I yell. But Alby pays no attention. He runs at the griever with a spear, but the griever turns and throws Alby off the cliff like it's no big deal. "NO!" I scream. I run to the edge of the cliff, and Minho is the only thing holding me back from the edge of the cliff. "We have to go." Minhos says as his voice breaks. Part of me wants to yell at him for being insensitive. But part of me also knows that he's more heartbroken then I am. He's had 3 years to get close, me only a month and a half.  I nod, and the tears are coming so fast that I can't even see. "Ready?" Minho asks. I nod. I knew the second my feet left the ground I would be leaving behind my life at the glade, which I at first hated, but grew to love. I took a few steps back, and then started running. I was running, away from the glade, away from my friends, away from everything. I could hear Thomas behind me, struggling to get away from the griever. I heard Minho yelling at me to jump. But I couldn't do it. Stop. My brain told me. Stop. But my body wouldn't listen. I leaped into the air, and closed my eyes as my body flew through the air.

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