Chapter 1

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There are slight lights, turning on and off. Where am I? What's happening? I stand up slowly, only to fall over again with dizziness. What the- Why am I in an elevator? The air is cold with a bad odour(A/n Apparently, Wattpad corrects words with the Brittish dictionary so some words may seem off sorry). Suddenly, I hear an alarm blaring, almost bursting my ear. I look up to see the elevator nearing the top of who knows what. "Hey! Help me!" I scream. I collapse and cover my head, bracing for impact.

Huh. That's weird. The hit didn't come. The elevator stopped, and the doors above it were opening. I see a bright light come into view, and I shield my eyes from the bright light with my arm. A tall lanky boy with blonde hair and brown eyes looks at me. "Bloody hell. It's a girl." He says with a thick Brittish accent. "Yeah no freaking duh!" I snap back. "Where the hell am I?" I ask. As I look up to look around, I notice that there is not a single girl. ANYWHERE. "Why the hell are there no girls here? I ask, panicked. "Calm down, Greenie." The boy starts. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?!? I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE AND I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING AND YOU WANT ME TO FREAKING CALM DOWN?" I yell. "Ayyyyy, must be Minho's twin personality."I hear someone say. The comment is followed with a few catcalls and whistles. "She's mine!" I hear a few boys say. "HEY. You DON'T get to claim me." I say as my eyes narrow. "I don't care who this "Minho" is, but you better help me out of here before I break all of your faces." 

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