Chapter 12

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"He leans his forehead on mine, and then he runs off to the maze. I watch him run out, and see him avoid Thomas as much as possible. I laugh to myself. This was gonna get interesting."

I walk back to breakfast, and everyone is staring at me. I shrug it off and sit back down. Newt looks at me. I shrink down slightly, but not enough to show him I'm nervous. "What did you guys talk about?" he asks. SHUCK. I was hoping he wouldn't ask. "Uhhh... we just talked about stuff like his job and my job and stuff." I say. "You're a good runner, but I can tell that you're lying. Al over there taught me(OMG GET IT?? Divergent fans unite!)." he says again, his arms crossed. "Whaaaat..?" I say. "What did you really do?" he asks again, leaning in closer. "I- we-um..." I start. "Y/n..." he growls. I throw my hands in the air. "Fine! Minho kissed me!" I say quietly. Newt literally jumps out of his skin. "Bloody hell! When the shuck did that happen?" he asks. "Just now. DUH." I roll my eyes. "You know what I mean!" Newt sighs. I laugh, and he sits back down. "Did he hurt you?" Newt questions. "What?? Of course not. He would never hurt me." I say. Newt nods his head. "Good. If he does I'll kill him." Newt says. I laugh and stand up. "Come on, time for work." I say, and we go to work.

I spend the rest of the day with the med-jacks and waiting for Minho to come back. I had never been this worried about Minho leaving the glade. "What if he doesn't come back?" I ask Newt at lunch. "Y/n, has there ever been a day they haven't come back?" Newt asks. "No, I guess not." I reply. Newt may have reassured me somehow, but I can't help but worry.

It is 5:58, and the doors close in 2 minutes. We are all crowded in front of the doors, waiting. "They're not gonna make it!" I cry. "Don't say that." Newt says. I sit down and hug my knees. "Look!" Chuck yells. I shoot up and look into the maze. Minho! But something is wrong. Him and Thomas are dragging Ben, who is knocked out. Then I hear the horrible grinding noise. "Minho!" I scream. "RUN!" but he and Thomas refuse to leave Ben. Everyone begins to yell at them to hurry, and I make a split second decision. I sprint through the doors, as gladers try to pull me back. "Y/n, No!" I hear Newt and Chuck yell. But I can't turn back now. I just make it through, falling into Minho's arms on the other side. 

Unexpected Love (Minho)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang