Chapter 20

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Today is my first day running in the maze, and frankly, I'm nervous. Minho walks over but I don't turn around. "Nervous much?" he laughs. "No!" I gulp. "Uh huh. That's why you're biting your lip and sweating profusely. But don't worry. I think you look very sexy when you bite your lip." he smirks. I roll my eyes and stop biting my lip. "Awwww. You looked so much sexier when you were biting your lip." Minho fake pouts. I bite my lip again with exaggeration. "Happy?" I ask. "Very." he smirks. "Come on. Doors open in a minute." Minho says. I nod and we run to the maze. I'm a little disappointed that training is over. I liked the time I got to spend with Minho, talking, laughing, even kissing. But, I guess it's okay because I get to run with Minho. Minho used to be partners with Thomas, but after the kissing incident Minho wouldn't work with him. I am standing at the doors waiting, and Minho has gone to get his forgotten sandwich. Today I'm running with Minho, and Thomas was supposed to run with Ben. Oh yeah, Ben. After Ben had gotten stung, we gave injected the syringe that had come up with me. It made him heal, and os far we have 2 left. Needless to say, Ben has had a full recovery and is doing well. But today, Ben had come down with a cold after partying in the rain with some other dudes. It has been a month, and a new greenie has come up. His name is Liam. Liam was a very curious person. Asking about a million questions. Thomas really came in there and helped him out. Speaking of which, Thomas was now staring at me from a 2 meter distance. "Hi?" I say. He smirks and walks over to me. "Hey beautiful." I frown. What the shuck? He walks behind me, and I breathe out. Thinking he had gone. Oh was I wrong. He placed his hands on waist and pulled me in. I sucked in air, too tense to move. "You'll be mine eventually. You'll see." Thomas whispered. He kissed my neck, and started to move up my cheek bone. "No. I. WON'T!" I yell before elbowing him in the nose. He pulls back in pain and winces. Then I walk up to him and knee him where it counts. He groans loudly and falls on the ground. "Y/n!" I hear Minho. He is sprinting as fast as he can towards me. He must've seen Thomas kissing my neck. He stops and grabs my arms. "You okay?". The concern in his eyes makes me want to melt. I nod and we both walk over to Thomas. A few other gladers have surrounded him by now. "What the bloody hell is happening?" you hear Newt ask. I signal him over. He jogs over and puts his hands on his hips and raises and eyebrow. "He was trying to kiss me, so I elbowed him and kneed him." I explain. "In other words, you broke his nose and almost killed him." Newt says. "It was self defense!" I yell. "Fine, I'll let it slide this once. Now go into the maze, find a way out."

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