Chapter 2

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A rope is lowered, and I grab it and climb up. The boys make a clearing as you reach the top, but you notice them staring at your butt. "HEY. Eyes up here buddy." I hiss. They all look down at the same time to their feet. I stood up in accomplishment, only to be greeted by MORE boys. There is a tall african-american boy who was somewhat tall and well built. Next to him was a boy with dirty blonde hair and freaky eyebrows. The third boy was the britt that "greeted" me in the box. "I'm Alby." Says the african american boy. "This is Gally." He says motioning to the guy with freaky brows. "And this is Newt." He says pointing at the britt. "They all stand awkwardly until I break the silence by saying, "Hi. I'm y/n." They all look up at me. I suddenly notice large stone walls surrounding everything. I see a large opening in one of them and glance back at the boys. "No! Don-" Alby starts, but I'm off like a light. I sprint towards the opening, my h/c flowing behind me. "We got a runner!" Someone yells. A runner? What's that? And what's with all these wal- my train of thought is interrupted by me literally running into someone. I fall on top of someone, and he immediately rolls over and holds me down. "What the shuck?" He says. "A girl greenie?" I observe this boy on top of me. He is well-built, with perfectly spiked hair. He is asian, with an extremely handsome face. Although he is extremely sweaty, he smells amazing, like a forest. I am again interrupted by Alby helping the guy up and looking at me. "What the hell, greenie. Don't ever do that again!" Newt helps me up, and I dust myself off. "So this is the new greenie. I'm suprised." says the hot asian guy. As he talks, I notice he is really tall. I mean, I think I'm pretty tall comparing to some of the guys, but Minho is about a head and a half taller than me. "I'm Minho." He says, holding his hand out. As I grab it, I feel a tingling sensation in my hand. "I'm y/n." I reply. "Huh. Nice name, Shuck face."

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