Chapter 6

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"I don't know."

I walk to breakfast thinking about what I said. I didn't know how I felt. On the outside, Minho seemed like a cute kitten. But then as I talked to him, he was scary and rude. Almost like when a cat scratches your eyes out. I shuddered at the thought and went to get food from Fry. Yesterday, Newt had given me the tour and showed me everything. "Morning, greenie." Fry yelled out. "Morning, Fry!" I reply. I grab some food and head outside. "Y/n! Over here!" I hear Newt call. I walk over and plop down next to him. Across from me is a tall blonde, named Ben. "So, your name is Y/n?" Ben asks. "Yeah, why?" I ask. He chuckles. "Guess we can have the bonfire." he says. "What's that?" I ask. "It's held every time a greenie comes up." Newt replies. I nod. "Gotta go, see ya later shucks." Ben says. He runs off, joined by Minho and a few other boys. I make eye contact with Minho for a few seconds, before looking away, blushing lightly. "Where are they going? Why so early?" I ask Newt. "They're runners. They look for a way out of the maze." Newt replies. We continue to eat in silence, until Newt stands up abruptly, pulling me up too. "Come on, we gotta find you a job." he says. We put our dishes away and Newt shows me which jobs I can try. I try them all, succeeding in all of them. "Hmm..." Newt says. He confers with Alby, and they agree on a plan. "Okay, Y/n. On Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays you are a cook. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, you are a med-jack." Alby says. "Thursdays and Sundays are your days off." Newt concludes. I smile at them and pull them in for a hug. The both freeze up, staying still. I laugh, oh the joys of hormonal teen boys.

Unexpected Love (Minho)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang