Chapter 16

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Minho and I walk hand in hand to the Gathering. Before we reach it, we separate and he enters first. When I walk in, the room silences. "Over here." Alby motions to a chair. I sit down and he ties me to the chair. "Hey!" I squirm. "Just in case." Alby says. I look over at Minho who is tense and his fists are clenched. "So Y/n. What happened in the maze?" Alby asks. "Well, I ran in, but you know that. I saw a wall of ivy, so I told the guys to help me hide Ben. Then we both ran our separate ways." I leave out the part about me and Minho going the same way. "I fell asleep for a few hours, and when I woke up I found my way to the cliff. Minho was already there, and we started throwing rocks. I noticed them disappear, and I think we found a way out." I am about to continue when a sharp outburst of conversation begins. "A way out?" "Impossible!". "Enough!" Alby yells. Everyone gets silent. "Continue." he nods. "Then we heard Thomas screaming, and a griever was chasing him. Somehow, the griever let me pet it, and then it let me get on it. So then the griever carried us here, and then it disappeared." I finish. Everyone is quiet, unlike the last time. "Well, what do you think we do?" Alby asks the keepers. Everyone has said something. Half want me to be banished. Half want me to simply be punished. It is now Minho's turn, and what he says is what decides the final consequence. "I say we make her a runner." he says loudly. I look up. He smiles at me and I grin. "So it's settled then." Alby says. "One night in the slammer, and then she becomes a runner."

Unexpected Love (Minho)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang