eighteen; clubbing

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"You motherfucking hoe!"

My eyes peel shut as I rest my elbows against the long woodem bar, ignoring the clammering noise echoing around me.

Bodies rubbing against bodies, fingers woven in between locks of hair, salty skin whispering against tongues—everything about this place screams sex and I want out.

Noise radiates from every angle, bright LED lights illuminating the otherwise dark club. I can barely make out the figure of my own hand in front of me.

Eyes begin to widen around the two obviously underaged guys defending themselves from a securith guard.

"Come on," the guard demands fiercely, "let's go."

Even though I'm not even relevant to this situation, I feel uncomfort raging throughout my body. I dont know if its because of how a fight is about to happen, or because of my in-experience with clubs.

"Fuck the police!" The light skin screams, getting dragged out by the collar of his polo.

"It's just six shots, you ass! Cash me inside my vagina!" The second boy announces, tryung to entangle himself from the grip a guard has around his wrist.

If they weren't shouting, i wouldnt be able to hear them—the music is too loud.

There's a pounding ache that is slowly fading in my head, although I feel like I'm drowsy with irritation. Where the hell is he?

"My anaconda don't want none unless you got puns, bitch!" Their voices fade out as the music gets louder, their bodies disappearing into darkness.

According to Tobias, the amount of work stress is starting to get to me. Every single night I have come home at about midnight, falling asleep maybe two hours later.

I've worked at Inquisitive for quite some time, so I should be used to dealing with this stuff. But, ever since I met Tobias, I've wanted to spend all my time around him.

The only positive thing about this is that I'm managing to rest more, getting a solid five hours of sleep compared to before. Despite not being in the mood to eat, Tobias has been reminding me to digest anything before leaving for work.

I can feel a difference in myself. Maybe it's because I'm more happy—my days are much brighter, and when I do get hectic, I can easily calm myself down.

But, as Tobias phrases it, regardless of how happy I may seem, I haven't 'experienced all the amazing things people in their twenties undergo.'

Meaning: drinking, clubbing, and sex. Lots of it.

Alcohol is something that I'm still working on. I think, at least for now, my body can gratefully stay away from it.

And thankfully, Tobias hasn't had any urges to do anything more than make out. Maybe he has, but he hasn't expressed them. Verbally.

As for clubbing? Here we are.

It's not technically clubbing though. More like Tobias trying to get me to relax for at least ten minutes.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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