Descent Into Evil

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However, something else- another personage- held all her attention. The woman sat closest to the opposite wall, fiddling with her black hair that had grown longer than Elvinia last remembered. She watched the humans bicker with an amusement worthy of her devious self. Flicking her cyan blue eyes back and forth between the feuding men, she ran a clawed hand over the head of a rather large, white snake. It was her pet, if Elvinia recalled correctly. And she was Medesu, Vipirus's sister- a very vicious elf.

Her skin glowed in an eerie gray tinge under the flickering light of the torches, and Elvinia scoffed at the minimal amount of clothing she adorned. She had always been that way- a temptress in play as one of her brother's chess pieces. And even though she seemed to believe otherwise- that she acted of her own will in order to be a "good" sister- the truth was utterly obvious. Vipirus was the true master of manipulation, after all.

Her snake, Neshire, flicked his tongue in and out as his beady, crimson eyes scanned the room. Elvinia subconsciously sucked in a breath. She was by definition a snake charmer. Her scent would undoubtedly give her away. But the snake's gaze passed over her invisible form. It seemed as if this creature too was under some sort of hypnosis, as were Meadthros's and Vipirus's beautiful dragons. She couldn't place her finger on it, but she'd be dumb not to suspect Vipirus. But if that were the case, how had Meadthros, who had no prior affiliation with Vipirus, come across such a technique? It made no sense.

She was pulled from her thoughts by a small whine. Beneath the clamor and din of the two humans fighting it out, her ears caught the indefinite voice of her companion. Following its trail, her eyes finally found it- the small hole in the alabaster wall. Barred by magic-infused rods, the little encampment housed Linksys. She knew for sure. It had to be him. Vipirus was resourceful as always. Going to the length of not only bounding her wrists with anti-magic ropes, but also imprisoning her partner in a similar fashion was a rather tenacious, intelligent move. That simple measure prohibited her from enlarging his size in the case she did break free- in this case.

There was more than one way to beat this situation. Elvinia simply needed to think. The moment she employed her magic, they'd sense her because Hidan and Kakuzu had already been exposed to her. Not to mention, there was another Elf in the room. However, it'd be useless to make such a move, for the bars repelled magic, anyway.

She'd need help from the inside.

Using every ounce of grace and lithe she owned, she made her way toward the wall, stalking around the table and behind a still fuming Hidan. The latter hadn't seemed to notice, and the other two men across the table remained oblivious as well.

"What was that, you blonde bimbo?!" Hidan shrieked suddenly, slamming his fists on the table. Elvinia whirled her head around as she heard an object hurling straight for her. The blonde man had exploded in anger and thrown a white object at Hidan. The latter had dodged, and the little projectile flew straight for Elvinia.

Not wanting to take her chances with the small, flying spider, she pressed up against the wall and rolled to the side. Little chunks of rock sprayed her as her right ear hummed in pain. The wall had exploded right beside her. Holding her ear, she glanced down, and to her relief, her spell hadn't worn off in her moment of distraction. The advantages of an invisibility spell were not only did the user remain unseen, but his/her magic stores were also hidden. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Calming her breathing, she watched as the occupants at the table resumed their fighting, still unaware of her presence. Even Medesu remained oblivious. She never was a threat to Elvinia. It seemed she had spent more of her time grooming than she had fighting. Her brother had reduced her to a thing and nothing more, but she either coped by lying to herself or simply remaining that ignorant. Elvinia hoped it was the latter.

Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKASHIxOC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora