The Vanishing P.2

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"Well now that everyone's here, we can finally get this party started," Giselle stated. "You're inside my induction chamber. When activated, it emits an electromagnetic wave so powerful it'll melt your bionic chips right through your necks," she explained. "Once your chips are destroyed, we'll finally be rid of bionic humans, forcing the world to turn to turn to my bionic androids."

You then heard Chase's voice on the other end. "If your androids are so much bettee than us, why do you have to destroy our chips at all?"

"I don't," Giselle replied. "I just wanna watch you suffer a slow and painful death." Giselle then pressed a button, melting their bionic chips. "Oh, good. Looks like the pain is starting to set in."

"You don't have to do this," Mr. Davenport stated as Giselle walked over to him. "We can make a deal. What do you like, leather jackets? I'll buy you as many as you want. Better yet, I probably have some that will fit you."

"The only thing I want is to watch your face as I melt their chips," Giselle stated as she leaned forward, placing her hands on either side of him. "Why don't I turn up the volume, so you can hear every last one of their screams."

Mr. Davenport tried to lean forward but couldn't since he was restrained to the chair making Giselle laugh as Douglas spoke. "Giselle! You're clearly acting out because we're no longer dating," he explained as Giselle stood in front of him. "It's okay. You can have me back." Giselle gave him a confused look as he talked. "I mean, yeah, you're a psychopath, but I've dated worse."

You scoffed, rolling your eyes as Giselle spoke. "Douglas, how rude of me. Here I am, providing a show for your brother, and you don't get to see anything," Giselle leaned forward towards Douglas. "Lets fix that. Bring him in, Marcus."

Giselle stood up as Marcus came came in, with Daniel struggling against his grasp.

"Hey, get off of me! Dad!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Now you can both watch your kids as they beg for mercy," Giselle smiled.

"Get your hands off my son!" Douglas commanded Marcus.

"Your son? You mean like I was your son?" Marcus asked.

"Wait? He's my brother?!" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, but not for long," Marcus stated as he tossed Daniel across the room.

"Marcus, please. Stop," Douglas begged.

"Are you kidding?" Marcus asked Douglas. "I can do this all day, and I think I will."

Just as Marcus was about to walk forward, an alarm went off making Giselle walk over to her desk as well as Marcus. "I'll go take care of them."

"No! Let them get their hopes up," Giselle stated as he grabbed her whip. "They won't get far."

Giselle walked out as you seen Daniel pick up a pipe, ready to hit Marcus. You had no intentions of stopping Daniel, you just watched. Daniel yelled as he hit Marcus with the pipe, which didn't faze Marcus, but it did faze the pipe bending it.

"What do you know? You broke my pipe!" Daniel stated as Marcus walked forward, making Daniel drop the pipe.

Marcus held Daniel in an arm lock as he walked forward. Daniel finally noticed you were there. He wore a look of confusion before it dawned on him that you were working with Marcus. You saw saddness in his eyes as Marcus turned to face Douglas, his back facing you.

"Marcus!" Douglas called. "I know I built you to be evil, but I can reprogram you. We can be a family again," Douglas motioned between them. "You, me, Daniel. Maybe we can adopt a girl or a kitten."

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