On the Edge: P.1

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- Chapter Twenty-Five -

You were leaning against the Hydra-loop, casually chatting with the Davenport trio as Leo and S-1 strode over.

"Well, guys, it took awhile, but we finally came up with S-1's new name," Leo informed.

"We went through hundreds before we came up with the perfect one," S-1 stated.

"What is it?" Bree asked.



Leo and S-1 spoke at the same time before looking at one another.

"Right, Taylor. My...second choice," Leo smiled.

"I like it," Bree smiled.

"Yeah, great name," Chase nodded.

"I think it fits you," you nodded.

"Eh, doesn't really matter to me. I didn't remember your other name, and I'm not gonna remember this one either," Adam shook his head.

"Hey, guys," Mr. Davenport greeted you all as he walked towards you all. "I have some very exciting news."

"You're finally eligible for senior citizen discounts?" Adam asked.

"No. Maybe. I don't want to talk about it. Look...the president called, and he's honoring you guys with a prestigious award for completing mission number one-thousand."

"That's awesome. Congratulations, guys," Taylor congratulated.

"Thanks, but technically, if you count all the missions where our bionics were still a secret, then our number is actually two-thousand-six-hundred-four," Chase informed, "but who's counting?"

"You are," Bree replied. "That's all you do is count."

"I do not," Chase stated. "Just for the record, that's the fifty-third time you've told me that."

"This is going to be great," Leo commented. "It's about time I got honored for something. So when is this little shindig?"

"Uh, in a couple of weeks. There's gonna be a big fancy ceremony on the mainland," Mr. Davenport replied. "But the president's only honoring the original team, Adam, Bree, and Chase."

"What? How could they do that? [Name] and I go on missions with them all the time," Leo replied.

"I'm sure when they hand out awards for completing thirty-two and a half missions, you'll get yours," Mr. Davenport stated, patting Leo's back as he walked away.

Chase then stood. "It's actually thirty-one and a half, but who's counting?" he smiled, patting Leo as he walked away.


You were with Bree and Chase as you three entered the Hydra-loop area, seeing Adam with his team.

"Hey, Adam, how's the fire prevention training going?" Chase asked Adam.

"You said fire prevention?" Adam questioned, as an explosion was heard and the fire alarm went off. "Ooh, well, it's too late to prevent that one. Could you guys go put that fire out and prevent the other fifteen we set?" Adam asked his team, as two of his team members ran out.

Just then Logan came running in. "Guys, you have to come see this. Leo just did something super amazing."

You and everyone else followed him into the training area to see Leo and Taylor holding hands.

"Aww. Leo's holding hands with a girl. That is amazing," Bree smiled.

"I see that you both are moving quickly in your relationship. Am I right?" you teased as Leo rolled his eyes.

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