Touring the Bionic Academy

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- Chapter Two -

Leo toured you around the bionic academy, for about an hour or so. You observed everything around you, making mental notes in mind. He showed you the dorms, cafeteria, etc. Now you both were in the training area.

"If you don't mind me asking, what type of abilities does Adam, Bree, and Chase have?" you asked innocently, as you looked around.

"Well, Adam has super strength, heat vision, blast wave, underwater breathing pressurized, lung capacity, and a few others that I'm too tired to explain."

You gave a nod, making a few mental notes that you couldn't drown Adam, if you wanted to kill him. You would have to be careful with gorilla boy, but then again, maybe not.

"Bree has super speed, vocal manipulation, invisibility, super agility, and a few others that I don't care to explain," Leo sighed looking up.

Bree, well since she had super speed, she could take you out, but you were highly trained to defeat fast people. She would be a tricky one, but you could easily take her out.

"Then there's Chase. He has super intelligence, force field, super senses, super durability as well as Bree and Adam, Molecular kinesis, and a Commando App. He has a full list of them, I can't even keep track," Leo explained.

You gave a nod, soaking all the information in. Now Chase, well, he was going to probably be the hardest to take out of the three. Seriously super intelligence, force field, and molecular kinesis? He had everything and more.

You may not have super intelligence, but you were pretty smart. If you just had him at the right time and place, he could go down easily.

Your mission was only eliminate one man, but in ordered to do that, you had to eliminate the Davenport siblings.

"Who knew a nerd could have a Commando App," you commented, looking straight ahead.

"I know right?" Leo agreed.

"And what do you have?" you questioned, as you both walked into the Hydra-loop area.

"Leo here, has a bionic arm," Bree smiled, pointing to his right arm.

"Bionic arm? How'd that happen?" you asked puzzled, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, a part of a building structure fell on my arm," Leo informed.

You gave a nod, gesturing for him to continue. He then told you about a man named Victor Krane, and how he wanted to eliminate the Davenports. You kept a straight face as you listened, but inside, your mind wondered.

"Hello Kids."

You, Adam, Bree, and Leo snapped your attention to the voice. You saw a man with brown spikey hair enter the Hydra-loop area, with Chase by his side. It was the one and only, Douglas Davenport.

Just the main person who you needed to take out.

"Ah, you must be our new student. I'm Douglas," he greeted, shaking your hand firmly.

"[Name]," you greeted back, slightly smiling.

Just the man you wanted to see.

"So, [Name], what type of abilities to you have?" Leo asked, as everyone focused their attention on you.

"Well, I have electrokinesis, super senses, super durability, and Memory Adsorption," you explained, scanning their faces.

You weren't lying, but you had one more thing, but you usually kept it to yourself.

"Huh, what's Memory Adsorption?" Leo asked, slightly tilting his head.

"Memory Adsorption is were I can adsorb memories. With just one touch, I can go through your memories," you lifted your hand, as if you were proving a point.

"That's pretty cool. How come I never thought of that! Who's your creator?" Douglas asked.

"I don't remember," you lied smoothly.

"You don't remember who your creator is?" Chase asked, skeptical.

"No, I just woke up one day and just, forgot," you shrugged.

Adam then walked up to you and took your hand. He squinted his eyes, as if were trying to focus.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Chase asked, crossing his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Trying to go through her memories," he grunted, squinting harder if it was possible.

"She adsorbs memories, not shows them," Bree rolled her eyes.

"At least I tried," Adam commented, as he let your hand go.

You then picked up a set of footsteps approaching, when you looked up, you saw Mr. Davenport walking in with a short brown-haired boy by his side.

"Okay, since you're our new bionic student, you will be wearing this."

Mr. Davenport handed you a uniform. When you looked at the shirt, you saw that it was yellow.

"If you don't mind me asking, earlier I had seen a few students wearing different colors, and I was wondering what the colors represent?" you asked.

"Well, each color represents the student's level of mastering. Red represents expert and it goes all the way down to beginner," Chase explained, showing you the chart of colors.

Then the little brown-haired boy that walked in with Mr. Davenport earlier, stepped forward.

"Hello there, name's Spin," he greeted smiling.

"Spin?" you asked puzzled.

"Yep, because I can do this!"

He then began to spin in circles, creating a vortex for a moment, before stopping. You just stood quiet for a moment, before speaking.

"You just twirled," you stated flatly.

"That's what I said!" Leo empathized, throwing his arms in the air.

You just gave a slow nod as Mr. Davenport spoke up.

"Well, let's get you settled in and Bree can show you to your dorm," Mr. Davenport smiled.

"Ready to go?" Bree asked, smiling.

"Yeah," you replied.

'This won't be the Davenport Academy once he's gone.'

Just a quick thank for ImagineLordess for helping me come up with the name Memory Absorption.

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