Parallel Universe Flashback

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- Chapter Three -

After a week you quickly adapted, and moved up to expert level. You were highly trained all your life so it wasn't such a big surprise, but to others it sure was. You were trying to find out the Davenport's weaknesses, and trying to strategize the quickest and easiest way to eliminate them.

It was difficult trying to figure things out, it was going to take some time, that was for sure. It looked like your creator was going to just wait patiently until you had a plan, and your creator didn't like waiting for too long.

You were sitting in the Hydra-loop area against the window, reading peacefully, until the Davenport siblings and Leo barged in, disturbing your peaceful reading.

"Guys, I swear I did have electrokinesis, geo-leaping, and everything else you guys had, you have to believe me," Leo pleaded, looking at the three bionic siblings.

"We will once you have those abilities," Bree spoke.

"C'mon, guys!"

"Okay, Electro Boy, we believe you," Chase snorted, clearly not believing him.

Leo sighed as he sat against the window, he was about five feet away from you. You stayed silent until an idea popped into your head.

"You know that I can adsorb memories right?"

"Yeah," Leo replied.

"Well, if what you said is true then show me," you spoke, setting your book down.

Leo shrugged as he slid over to you.

"Okay, what do I have to do?" Leo asked.

"Well, all you have to do is show me your memory, what happened."

"That's all?"

"That's all," you replied.

"How would you be able to see?" he asked.

"With just a simple touch."

You then held onto Leo's arm. As a white flash quickly passed through his arm.

"Now close your eyes and replayed what happened," you instructed.

Leo nodded as he closed his eyes, as you did the same.


The Davenport siblings, Leo, and Mr. Davenport entered the lab.

You let go of Leo's hand snickering, as Leo looked at you confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Leo asked.

"Because you were so small! With your little arms and legs-"

"-Can we just get back, please!" Leo spoke irritated, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, okay jeez," you replied.

"Inventing the Wheel? Boring. Discovering electricity? Snooze. Slice Bread? Lame," Mr. Davenport held his thumbs down.

"Now, Davenport Industries, introduces the world's first Proton Fuser!" Mr. Davenport revealed the invention, as everyone stared unimpressed.

"You know for a scientist, you'd think your payoffs would be a bit more proportional to your build ups," Leo spoke, as Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes.

"Uh, the pay off would be it allows us to see the origins of the universe! This thing subatomic particles we can understand how planets form!" Mr. Davenport explained.

"Well, we already understand how boredom forms," Bree commented, as Mr. Davenport ignored her comment.

"Haven't you ever wondered where stuff comes from? Galaxies, stars, planets?" Mr. Davenport asked.

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