It's Called a Hustle

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- Chapter Four -

You were sitting in a chair that was against the window, in the Hydra-loop area. You were reading as everyone else were out, enjoying the sun. You never liked people much, so you strained away from them.

As you read, you felt an intense gaze on you, as if it was burning a hole through your forehead. You continued to read, ignoring the intense gaze, until it became unbearable.

When you looked up, you saw Mr. Know-it-all looking at you.

"May I help you?" you asked, as you continued to read.

"Why are so quiet? Why not go out and socialize?"

"Because I don't want to," you replied, not straying your eyes away from the book.

Chase just looked at you, as you continued reading.

"You're up to something, aren't you?" Chase questioned.

Great, now you had someone already getting suspicious, and it had to be Mr. Intelligent.

"What makes you say that?" you asked curiously, as you set your book down.

"Well, for starters you're quiet, you went up to level expert whiten a week. You're ranked at the top, beating the other students at basically everything," Chase explained.

You rolled your eyes as you stood up, walking right up to him.

"Just because I'm better then the rest, does not make me suspicious. I think you're just jealous," you smirked, as Chase scoffed.

"I am not jealous, why would I be jealous of a student?" Chase crossed him arms.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm better then you," you grinned, looking up at him.

"Ha! Please, I know that I'm better then you. I'm a mentor, and you're a student," Chase pointed out.

"Just because I'm a student, doesn't make you better then me. If you're so full of yourself, battle me to a duel," you challenged.

"No, I'm not allowed to duel students, unless Mr. Davenport has a say so. Unless he says, then I'll battle you," Chase spoke.

"Oh, your one of those people who always follows the rules, right? Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes never breaks the rules, I get that. Well, I guess the rumors are true," you turned around, as a small smirk played on your lips.

"What rumors?" Chase asked puzzled.

"Oh, you didn't know? That you're a Fun Killer, the type who always follows the rules, and never breaks them, you know the usual," you shrugged, innocently.

"I am not a fun killer, nor do I always follow the rules. I'll have you know that I have broken rules before, I am your typical bad boy " Chase explained, crossing his arms.

You laughed mockingly as you spoke.

"Sure, you are. I'll believe it when I see it, if your such a 'bad boy', then you wouldn't have a problem facing me in a duel."

"I'll pass," Chase commented, as he made his way towards the training room.

"Wow, I guess that proves it. You are a fun killer who plays by the rules, what a shame."

You seen Chase halt, making you smirk knowing that you hit a nerve. Chase then twisted around to face you once more.

"Fine, you want a duel? You got one."

"Alright, but no bionics, we go hand-to-hand combat, deal?" you grinned, sticking your hand out.

Chase looked at your hand for a moment, before shaking your hand, agreeing.

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