Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med P.1

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- Chapter Sixteen -

You were sleeping peacefully, until someone stated to bang on your capsule. You groggily woke up to see a fully awake, energetic Chase, smiling wildly.

You rolled your eyes as you stepped out yawning, rubbing your eyes tiredly, "What do you want Chase? This better be good because you just ruined my sleep, and if you woke me up for a stupid reason I swear I will electrified you," you spoke, as you took out your clock locket seeing it was five-twenty-five, "So, care to explain why you ruined my sleep?"

"I have very exciting news! C'mon let's go!" Chase exclaimed, as he took your hand and ran.

He was so energetic, like a child on Christmas who just couldn't contain their excitement on Christmas morning.

When you both arrived to the mentor's room, Chase screamed waking everyone up, "GUYS WAKE UP! WE DID IT, WE DID IT, WE DID IT!"

"WE WERE SLEEPING, WE WERE SLEEPING, WE WERE SLEEPING!" Leo mocked angrily, as Chase ran forward while Leo stood next to you.

"Chase, it's five-thirty in the morning. What's going on?" Bree asked.

"It took five years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it. We created a new technology that's gonna revolutionize the way the world gets it's energy," Chase explained with an excited yell.

"It's the science bros, working together to make a better world," you mumbled, as Leo nodded in agreement.

"Did you just wake us up to talk about science?" Adam questioned.

"I don't care where you hit him, just make it hurt," Bree commented.

"C'mon!" Chase exclaimed, running out.


"Here she is. The DavenChase energy transponder," Chase motioned to an object inside a glass case.

"So, uh, what does it do?" Bree questioned.

"It's kind of like Leo's energy transference ability. It wirelessly harnesses energy from sources around it, then stores it, so its the ultimate power source," Chase explained.

"Oh, cool. I've been looking for a new phone charger. Crack her open, and juice me up," Adam stated, holding up a phone.

"It's not a phone charger, Adam. It's a billion-dollar piece of technology," Mr. Davenport explained, "This little device packs enough punch to power an entire skyscraper."

"So what'll that get me, like, fifteen hours of talk time?" Adam asked.

"Right now, this is just a one-of-a-kind prototype, but soon the entire world will run on my technology," Mr. Davenport smiled.

"Uh, I think you mean our technology?" Chase motioned to him and himself.

"Yeah, my technology. Here let me show you how it works. For security reasons, we're keeping it in this impenetrable cube that can only be opened with mu retina scan," Mr. Davenport explained, as the cube scanned his eye.

As Mr. Davenport opened it, Leo began speaking, "Eye am impressed," Leo chuckled as you looked at him, "Get it. Cause he has to use his eye to open the thing."

"We get it," you stated flatly.

Mr. Davenport then cooed at the device as he set it down gently, as if he were holding a baby.

"Isn't it amazing?" Chase asked.

"It's not doing anything-"

"It's harvesting energy!" Chase exclaimed, cutting off Bree.

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