Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med P.2

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- Chapter Seventeen -

The second you all entered the wormhole, you quickly noticed that you all arrived at the hospital.

"Welcome to Mighty Med," Oliver stated, "The world's best superhero hospital."

"First I get to travel through a wormhole and now I'm in a superhero hospital?" Leo asked amazed, "This is the best day ever!"

"Are you serious right now?" you asked.

"If you don't count the part where our brother got blasted and is about to die!" Bree exclaimed.

"Wow, you really know how to ruin a guy's day," Leo looked at Bree.

"Here! Put him over here!" Oliver instructed, motioning to a hospital bed. Adam then ran over, laying Chase down.

Then you saw an older man enter as Kaz ran over to him, "Horace! Chase was blasted by the Incapacitator, he needs immediate medical attention!"

"Oh, no! Not Chase! This is terrible! Who's Chase?" The doctor known as Horace asked.

Oliver then raised Chase's arm, "Him."

You then slapped Oliver's hand, ordering him to put it down. The doctor then walked over to Chase's limp body and stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you," he looked at Chase for a moment as he turned to face you all, "He's not very friendly is he?"

"Don't you see he's unconscious," you stated, motioning to Chase as he nodded.

"So, what type of superhero is Chase? Other than an impolite one?" he asked.

"No, no. He's not a superhero. He's human with a bionic chip that gives him super abilities," Bree explained.

"Except for the ability to say hello. Chase you're embarrassing us!" Adam whispered as you and Bree hit him.

"What's going on? Who are these people?" a girl in a pink suit asked, as she walked by.

"I'll explain later but the short version is: Bionic arm, super strength, super fast, super electro, and super unconscious," Kaz pointed to each of you.

"Really? Super electro?" you asked as Kaz shrugged.

The girl waved as Leo spoke, "Can you help him?"

"Don't worry, I have everything under control. Chase will be perfectly fine. Kaz, Oliver, follow me," the doctor, Horace motioned to the side to speak privately.

You then moved a bit closer to Chase, checking his body for injuries seeing none. Then, Kaz and Oliver strode over, with their chest puffed out a bit, which you thought was weird but paid no mind to it.

"Wow, these guys seem really confident," Leo nodded.

"Thank you for bringing us here and finding a cure for Chase," Adam stated, "I have to admit I had my doubts."

"Well, I never doubted Oliver for a second," Bree stated holding her hands over her heart, "He has such a trust worthy face, just look at him!"

You then saw Oliver making weird faces, "Oh, yeah. Such a cute, trust worthy face," you stated sarcastically.

"This orange is really sour," Oliver explained, as he continued to make weird faces.

"Awww," Bree smiled walking over to Oliver, "Look at his weird cute, twisted face," Bree smiled as she pinched Oliver's cheek.

You and Leo stayed by Chase's side as Adam walked away. Then the girl spoke, "What's with that?"

"Oh, she has a crush on Oliver. I'll explain later, but there really is no logical explanation," Kaz informed.

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