One Of Us

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-Chapter Twenty-One-

As you walked towards the training area, you knew that you were going to get some sort of lecture for being late for training; that being Chase giving you a lecture. The reason you were late was because you had lost track of time, it wasn't an excuse but you had your reasons. As you walked into the training area, seeing Adam, Bree, and Chase.

"You're late for training," Chase stated, as he crossed his arms.

"But I'm here now," you smiled.

"[Name], you can't be late. It's going to effect-"

You then cut Chase off, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. No need for a lecture. This is my first time being late, it's not a big deal."

"Chase, leave her alone and drop it. Anyway, have you seen Leo? He's not here either," Bree informed.

"No I thought he was with you guys," you replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's just go ask Douglas, maybe he knows," Bree shrugged, as you all walked into the Hydra-loop area.

"Douglas, have you seen Leo? He's late for training," Chase informed.

"Why don't you call him?" Douglas questioned.

"Too much work. Let's just kick him out of the academy," Adam commented.

Chase went over to the cyber desk, dialing Leo's number. A moment later, Leo flashed on the screen, greeting with a hello.

"Leo, what are you doing back in Mission Creek? You're suppose to be here for training," Chase informed.

"Sorry, I had to pop back and deal with a little situation. Janelle missed me. You ladies can be so needy," Leo rolled his eyes.

"She threatened to break up with you, didn't she?" Bree stated.

"It was implied," Leo replied, causing you to chuckle softly as you hear a door bell ring, "Aaah! She's here!" Leo exclaimed, as he ended the call.

"Can you believe him?" Chase asked in disbelief, "Skipping his training to hang out with a girl?"

"You might understand it better one day when you actually have one," Adam smiled, patting his back as you chuckled.

"For your information, later today I will be online gaming with FrizzyBizzy21," Chase informed, as you all just stared at him unconvinced, "And there's a fifty percent chance, that's a female!"

"Yeah. No, there's not," Bree shook her head.

"She's right. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a male," you smirked as Chase glared at you.

Then, the Hydra-loop doors opened to reveal a girl dressed in black. You recognized her instantly. Leo showed you what had happened when they went against Krane's army.

"Aaah! It's her!" Douglas exclaimed, as everyone stood in a fighting stance while Adam walked right up to S-1.

"Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Adam asked S-1.

"Adam, that's S-1. Krane's lead solider. She tried to destroy us," Chase explained.

"Oh, yeah. What do you say we finish the job and get out of here?" Adam asked S-1 smiling.

"Well, isn't this going to be interesting," you stated, as you leaned up against the wall.

As S-1 walked around Adam cautiously, everyone raised their arms in defense. 

Everyone surrounded S-1, making sure that she wouldn't do anything as Chase spoke to her, "What are you doing here?"

"I figured since this is the Bionic Academy you're the only people who might be able to help. Something's wrong with me," S-1 explained.

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