"He's getting away!" he pointed. Eva turned and ran. She caught him, laughing as she covered him in sunscreen. Once he was done, she grabbed Jamie and Ava, covering them both before setting them free. She returned to Liam, who had successfully set up the three-sided beach tent and found two lounge chairs. "Is this the idea?" he said.

"Yep!" she smiled. "No sun for me. I'll burn. Want to rub sunscreen on me?"

Liam groaned. "God, yes." he said, grabbing the can from her hand. He sprayed the sunscreen all over her arms and neck before rubbing it in, bending down to kiss her neck. "Turn around so I can rub your front."

Eva turned around. "This is a family beach."

"Ask me if I care." Liam grinned. He sprayed her chest and arms, reaching to rub it in when she stepped back. "What?" he said grabbing her. "Still sore from last night?" he whispered in her ear.

Eva pushed him away. "You are so bad." She reached in the wagon, found her book and sat in her lounger, watching the kids splashing in the lake.

Liam sat next to her. "And you love it." He leaned in for kiss which she gladly gave, over and over until she had to stop or she'd had crawled right into lap. "Why did you stop?" he asked.

"Because I want to do more than kiss you."

Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her up and over to him, sitting her in his lap. "Nobody can see us in here." He pulled her back to his lips.

"The kids?"

"They are playing."

At that moment, Ava screeched. "Jamie is throwing sand!"

"Told ya." Eva laughed.

After the day in the sun, the kids were all tired and sandy

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After the day in the sun, the kids were all tired and sandy. Liam took the boys into one locker room and Eva took Ava into the woman's. Once they were both free of sand, Eva walked out of the locker room, grabbed the wagon and spotted her cell phone laying face down on the bottom. She grabbed it, reading her text messages.

Harry: Your family is annoying.

Harry: Are you going to answer me?

Harry: Look, I'm sorry I said they were annoying, but even you complain about your sister.

Harry: Would you be happy if I came up there? Would that make things better? I mean, it's just you and Arden. We could try to reconnect again?

Harry: Eva?

Eva's breath caught in her throat. Of course he wanted to come up. God damn him.

Eva: You don't need to do that. It's a four hour drive.

Harry: I would do that if it would make you happy.

Eva: It won't.

Harry: What would make you happy?

Eva: Let me go. Without a scene. Without a fight.

Harry: I can't do that. You are my family. I need you.

Eva sat down on a bench, phone in her hand, trying not to cry. Ava screamed, "Daddy! I'm clean!" and ran into his arms.

He gave her a big wet smooch, making her giggle as he swooped her into his arms. "You look like my princess again! Looked like a big mud monster before."

"I'm not a monster, silly." she said, hugging his neck. "I'm Ava."

"Oh, yes. I see that now!" He gave her a snuggle before setting her down. "Ready, Evie? These kids are starved."

Eva shook it off and smiled. Harry wasn't going to ruin this time she had with Liam and the kids. This was what she wanted. A family that spent time together, having fun. They were going to roast hog dogs and marshmallows. Tomorrow, they were going to play putt putt golf. The drive in movie was coming up. Her week was planned and he wasn't going to ruin her fun.

The day of fun wore the kids out and by eight o'clock all three were in bed, sound asleep. Liam sat in a lawn chair by the fire while she put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. When she was done, she went out and joined him, sitting in his lap. He smiled up at her. "Hey, Evie." he said, pulling her down for a slow, deep kiss. When he broke the kiss, she rested her head on his, staring at the dying fire.

"This is perfect." Eva said. Liam ran his hand up and down her back, neither of them saying much. They didn't need to. The silence fit with the stars and the glow of the embers.

When the last ember stopped burning, Liam stood up, taking Eva with him, carrying her into the cabin. He took her all the way to the bedroom, laying her down. "I'm going to make love to you slowly tonight." he said, laying next to her. He didn't say another word, instead he let his caresses do the talking. He pull off her top, kissing her from her neck to her waist as she pulled on his shirt, wanting to feel his bare skin on hers. His lips returned to hers as she wiggled her way out of her shorts, pulling his down, too. His hands ran up and down her body, slowly, taking his time on each inch of her skin, making each of her nerve ending sing with joy. His hard shaft rubbed against her, making her pant and beg him to enter her. "Not yet, not yet. I want this to last. Last as long as the fire burns, as long as the stars shine. I want every part of you to feel the pleasure, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. I truly want you to feel how much I love you."

Eva couldn't even manage to moan after he said this. She was left breathless and any word she tried to form, he kissed away. His hand moved to touch her womanhood, running his fingers up and down, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She screamed out, no longer able to stop her body from convulsing, and pushed his hand away.

"Do you want more?" he muttered in her ear. She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. "Do you still want me to talk dirty to you?" She shook her head 'no.' He kissed her neck, mumbling, "Then what? Do you want sweet nothings whispered into your ear? Do you just want loving, intense stares as I bury myself in you?" She nodded. "Have I left you speechless already? Maybe my job here is done."

"No. No. More." she begged. "Sweet nothing. Intense stares. I want it all."

"You deserve it all, Evie. You deserve it all." Liam whispered in her ear. He moved to rest his forehead against hers, kissing her again as he entered her, moving almost painfully slowly, his manhood filling her completely. He moved in and out, slowly, kissing her, never stopping.

"Oh, god, Liam. Faster. I am so close."

Liam moved slightly faster and Eva let her orgasm race though her body. Every part of her was pulsing, the pleasure making her back arch as she let out a guttural noise, something between a scream and a moan, giving Liam his clue to have his own climax. "You are everything, Evie. Everything."

My vacay is over, so less updates for a while! 8(  - Evangeline

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Neighbors (Liam Payne AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora