Worlds worst hero

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Picture this:
(Oh god I'm starting like that again)
You're sat at home (alone again) watching some horror movie in the dark (cos how else are you supposed to watch them?) when suddenly, you hear a loud woman screaming from outside your house.
Like, not some happy playful scream, I mean a full out I'm-gonna-die slash (/) somebody-is-trying-to-stab-me scream.
Suddenly, it's like:
Superhero mode activated!!!
So I grab a book (kidding! I learnt my lesson after last time...remember: flash back to 'remember to lock your doors) no, I don't grab a book...or...anything for that matter... no, this is me and I'm friggin superman....ok, more of a deadpool... so I charge outside my house and onto the road, looking left and right. I'm prepared for a fight, y'know to smash someone face in after they attacked this screaming young girl.
And as I look down my road (like typical horror movie: dark, foggy, eerie flickering lamp posts, no neighbours awake - I don't blame them considering this was gone midnight and mostly pensioners live down my road)
And as I look into the fog, the scream echoed out again, like a sharp sound making you feel like your ears are being ripped out, a heart wrenching, blood curling scream which sends shivers down your spine.
And as I look into the darkness, I see two glowing yellow eyes glaring back at me. Then, come the teeth, a grim off white, teeth like pointed razor blades as it snarls at me.
The wind blows as the rabid animal continues to bear its teeth. It opens its mouth- its luminescent eyes still glaring- and yet another scream escapes its throat echoing down the street.
Then, it's thin orange body, with patches of missing fur darts off into the darkness.
I roll my eyes mutter about the dumb fox and go back to my horror movie.
Like I was so disappointed! I thought I was gonna go all ninja on some guy!
But eh, I guess I still haven't learnt my lesson.
One day I'm genuinely going to get in an awesome life or death situation and with the way this is going I'll end up defending my self with a broken tooth brush...

Dangerous gang member
Death my toothbrush

-Blaze and the Mafia

(I got really bad déjà vu on that last bit: like déjà vu of writing it on this bit...then getting déjà vu... then getting confused and flicking through all the chapters to see is it actually happened or was just déjà vu.... weird...)



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