Dance disastars!

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So... remember a while back when I had that story about the...spare kit in PE? Well, I have another random, time killing story!
So I was in dance (and as I said before, I can't dance to save my life, I don't know why they didn't put me in the PE class) doing my 'group choreography' when all of a sudden...everything went wrong. 😱😱😱
So I was SUPPOSED to swiftly jump, swing my arm over my head and kick my leg out... now let me just say 'swiftly' isn't in my dictionary. So as I'm in the air (genuinely trying because this is for someone else's grade as well as mine) I jump, do the move and just as I go to land on my feet I figured, 'screw it' and magnificently landed so well that everyone turned to watch my graceful movement.
In other words, I landed on my face.
DONT LAUGH AT ME! It takes a LOT of skill to land on your face!!!!
So after the bang of me smacking the floor fills the room everyone turns to look so I quickly scramble to my feet and pull a smile whilst pulling the pose I was supposed to pull at the end on the dance.
Yeah then my whole group and I started laughing and soon so was everyone else.
Honestly, the fall looked so painful that the teacher seriously FREAKED! She was super concerned.
Only I could turn an elegant move into a literal face Palm- CORRECTION: face floor!

Well...That was a DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now