The disasterous spare kit...

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Ok, at school yesterday I had PE last. Now, In PE, I do dance (don't ask why cos I can't dance to save my life). So, everyone in my class is wearing skin tight black tops and leggings...but I forgot my kit. So, me and this other girl have to get the evil...the deadly...the spare kit... DUH DUH DUHHHHH
Let me just mention, this other girl Is practically the Regina George of my school. So, she makes sure to get into the spare kit cupboard first and grabs some tiny black shorts and a tight black top. I get to choose second.
So, I go in and however hard I rummage, there's only one outfit left...the basket ball clothes.
So, picture this: I get changed into a huge top which reaches midway down my thigh, the arm holes show part of my bra, the shorts go to my KNEE's and hang super low!!! (It was huge on me some how I'm practically 6"0 and its like I'm wearing a fridging dress!) Did I mention this outfit is bright red and white? Oh, it gets better! There's a little red lion design on it.
Now let's all think for a second who do we ALL know that wears a red and white basketball outfit with a little lion on it?

Hmm? Let's think

Oh I know!

Uh, how about Troy frikkin Bolton!

Ha! I WISH I looked that good ^^^Nah, the colours were mixed together in that certain way (if you know what I mean) so it looked almost PINK!!! I do NOT like the colour pink!!! (No offence to you pink lovers)So now, Troy Bolton- I mean- I walk int...

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Ha! I WISH I looked that good ^^^
Nah, the colours were mixed together in that certain way (if you know what I mean) so it looked almost PINK!!! I do NOT like the colour pink!!! (No offence to you pink lovers)
So now, Troy Bolton- I mean- I walk into the hall (full of all these girls wearing their black skinny things) and I TRY to blend in.
See it's pretty hard not to be noticed when there's like 50 people in the room, you're the only one NOT in black and you look like A FRIGGIN FLAMINGO!!!!
So yeah, everyone just turns around and looks at me!
-mental face palm-
So what do I do?
Well, as everybody's staring at me with complete and utter shock! I decide to do some fancy jazz hands and side step into the room. YEAH! GO ME!
So HALF THE YEAR GROUP watch me awkwardly jazz handing into the room with that awkward smile on my face. (We all know the smile)
Yeah, so you get the idea?
Well that was hilarious.
It got even better when after lesson I was walking back to the changing room but the boy PE group was all in the hall. So I had to walk through all the boys (half of them being my mates) and I know my mates are never going to drop this 😂😂😂😂
(Mates are male friends. Friends are female friends. No this is not how English people speak it's just me being awesome)
What a great lesson!

I just want to say thank you so much to kittygirl486 for making this absolutely amazing cover!!!

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I just want to say thank you so much to kittygirl486 for making this absolutely amazing cover!!!

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